Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A Super Duper Quickie! December 14, 2010

I just gotta share the news.  It's kinda exciting with a dash of EEK!  I went to go see my doctor at UIC (at the Maxiofacial Clinic) and got the low down.  The chin implant I had placed in over 20 years ago IS pushing through my gums and is indeed causing my non stop tooth problem that 3 root canals could not fix.  I need to have it removed (the implant).  Guess who will be my surgeon.....DR. PRAVINE PATEL!!!!  Can you believe it.  I'm so relieved because I know the pheonominal work he does, I mean look at Aiden.  I have no idea what the plan is other than the removal.  I am scared because they may leave it out for a while to let it heal.....but they reassure me that it may 'hold shape' because of scar tissue that has formed over the many MANY years. wow wow.  The funny thing is, Dr. Patel doesn't know me by my last name....he only knows imagine the shock he will get when he walks in and sees us sitting there.  Teeheeheee.   Anyhoo...I'm so glad I kept pushing and pushing about this issue because I just KNEW something wasn't right with my implant...did research and everything.  But I was repeatedly told NO NO NO!  You just have an abscess in that tooth, nothing to do with the implant.  So....some advice....fight for what you your own one knows your body like yourself. 

Oh...and by the  way....Aiden is cute!  GOOD NIGHT!

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