Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Our Life As Recorded on Facebook

Welcome!  I'm not sure how this is going to work, but I decided...what better to capture our lives than by saving and sharing my Facebook posts from the past who knows how long....hopefully before Aiden was born!  We'll see how far I can go.  ENJOY!  I know I will...and Juan and Aiden will...in the future (and now).

 February 2011                                                                                          
Feb. 21, 2011 (Monday)
"I suddenly had this idea....it's not the biggest, but it'll make ME feel better. Since I've been neglecting my blog, I think I'll go thru all of my facebook posts (regarding Aiden and all of his major milestones and surgeries) and make a sort of 'time line.' It may take a month, but it's a reasonable goal. I think it'll be something Aiden would love to read some day in the future, as well me!"
Feb. 20, 2011 (Sunday)
I was giving Aiden little tastes of applesauce tonight from the tip of my finger...and he actually swallowed!! (as you may not know, he has a g-tube and is now just learning how to eat through his mouth...a very daunting task!) He was so happy that his eyes opened wide and he applauded for himself with a HUGE proud smile! Then he was done. 
Feb. 19, 2011 (Saturday)
So much swirlin' in my head to put into words...
Feb. 16, 2011 (Wednesday)
Aiden has been 'colonized' with MRSA since his NICU days, which stays on his medical records...doctors and nurses have treated him as if he was highly contagious at every turn. His third test came up negative and it is OFFICIALLY wiped from his record....AMEN....ALLELUIA!!! (although I AM going to miss is private hospital rooms...teehee) No more antibiotics for every medical procedure!
Feb. 12, 2011 (Saturday)
It made my year when I walked in the room while Aiden's favorite classical song was playing and he was waving his hands in the air as though he was a little conductor. I can't make this stuff up!
Feb 11, 2011 (Friday)
Good call on me not wasting my nervous energy thinking about Aiden's surgery on the 15th....it has changed once again...Feb. 24th. HA! I'll believe it when I see it!
Feb. 9, 2011 (Wednesday)
Aiden does the cutest "Thumbs Down" sign. He points his forefinger down. Teehee. I wasn't even trying to teach him that. Silly Aiden!
Feb. 7, 2011 (Monday)
Tentative hand surgery date....April 8th :-0

Dr. Light, the renowed hand surgeon, is ready to schedule Aiden's first hand surgery. UGH...why am I so nervous?
Feb. 4, 2011 (Friday)
Another day without a nurse tomorrow...I better at least pretend to try to get some sleep...
Feb. 3, 2011 (Thursday)
It's quite apparent that having the all the lyrics of songs changed to his name NEVER gets old... :-D ahhhh...the simple things that make Luv Muffin smile...
Admit it, this video made you laugh inside...

Feb. 2, 2011 (Wednesday)

Didn't get to sleep till 2pm (got a whopping 3 and a 1/2 hours)...why am I sad that I missed out on the blizzard of 2011? Lack of sleep does that to me...
Feb. 1, 2011 ( Tuesday)
Sounds of Thomas...

It took me a while to realize that there was a reason Aiden was rubbing his head right behind his ear. He found out that when he does that, it sounds JUST like 'Thomas the Train' chugging along. Try it! It does! I love the way he thinks and I'm so glad I caught it on video...he does it at the very end.

 January 2011                                                                                          
Jan. 31, 2011 (Monday)
Sleeping during the day and never going out of the house sure makes the historic snow not so terrifying. :-D Go ahead....snow like crazy...I don't care! (sorry for those who DO have a life....)

Don't Judge!
Aiden's gotta do what Aiden's gotta do. :-D

January 29, 2011 (Saturday)
I need to have a long chat with Aiden. I was sweeping the floor with a push vac which Aiden seems to enjoy. Than Juan grabbed it to finish up. What does Aiden do....makes daddy give it back to mommy. Aiden, Aiden, Aiden....it's 2011!

Here's a clip of some of Aiden's signature moves...teehee
He Likes to Move It..Move It Length: 0:30

Moo Cow Love
Aiden STILL loves the honking cow that got him to take his first few steps. True love never wavers...

Jan. 28, 2011(Friday)
Next tentative date for Aiden's jaw distractor removal is Feb 15th. Yesterday just wasn't meant to be!
Jan. 27, 2011 (Thursday)
So...it looks like we are going to have to postpone Aiden's surgery. He didn't seem quite himself all night, a mama knows...he's had a 99.5 fever, then a 100.5...then it crept up to 101. What the heck? He's not coughing or anything, but somethings up. Now I could use some positive vibes hoping that Aiden is just fighting a little bug. UGH!
Jan. 26, 2011 (Wednesday)
So, here's the schedule for Aiden's jaw distractor removal tomorrow: We have to be at Children's Memorial by 1:30pm. Aiden will need anitibiotics because, although he may not still have MRSA, his MRSA status has not yet been wiped from his medical records. Then surgery is set for 4:30pm. I MUCH prefer when it's at 7am-it's over before he even really wakes up. I hope he doesn't need an IV for the antibiotics.

Although we have no idea what time, yet....tomorrow is the removal of Aiden's jaw distractors. We are very excited....well...maybe not Aiden. It's surgery, but it's outpatient. Hopefully it will go smoothly and Aiden will be comfortable the entire ordeal. WISH US LUCK!!!

Winter is relentless....it's hard enough having to sleep all day, but to have to wake up and it be dark an hour later...not cool. Talk about 'winter blues'! Come on Spring!!

January 24, 2011 (Monday)
Aiden's eye doctor appt went surprising well. A little far sighted with astigmatism...but nothin' to worry about. :-D

January 22, 2011 (Saturday)
I wouldn't call it the 'terrible two's'....maybe the 'I'm gonna lift my arms and drop my body so you can't lift me up' two's....or the 'talk to the hand' two's. I can handle this....I think.

January 21, 2011 (Friday)
Wow, it's been tough getting on Facebook lately...daily appts...trying to get over these colds....plus no nurse today. Just thought I'd let everyone know that Aiden is doing very well. It's been so busy, I haven't even had a chance to think about Aiden's surgery to remove his jaw distractors next Thursday. We are finally all healthy. Many things to look forward to in the next few months...

January 17, 2011 (Monday)
UGHHH! This cold is BRUTAL! Just when I thought it was over, it came back with a vengeance! Aiden, thankfully, got a clean bill of health from his pediatrician...that's the important thing! He is almost 100%. I can't forget to THANK everyone for Aiden's birthday wishes, he is so loved!

January 14, 2011 (Friday)

This is Aiden moments after he was born 2 years ago and I remember it like it was yesterday. Two years ago, we had many sleepness nights while Aiden stayed in the NICU for 69 days. So many worries and concerns for his future. I will never forget it. Happy Birthday, Aiden! Look at him now. The strongest, sweetest, kind hearted little boy who continues to amaze me on a daily basis as we plow through each obstacle. Life is richer and happier since January 14, 2009...and it's only going to get better! The possiblities are endless....

January 12, 2011(Wednesday)
Updating my blog seems way too overwhelming at this moment, I want to write about our visit to WA...but quite frankly, I think I lost most of my brain cells at the airport. Hopefully they are on a flight to Hawaii or even better, Washington!

Some more pictures of our Washington trip...good times.... :-D

January 11, 2011 (Tuesday)
Poor Luv Muffin is coughing his little butt off. But that doesn't stop him from playing with all of his new toys with a huge smile! There's some bug floatin' around...first me, then Aiden, then Juan....ughhhhh! (I skipped the fever, though....)
January 10, 2011 (Monday)
Here is a glimpse into our visit to Washington...lots of family....lots of food....an impromptu birthday celebration...lots of laughter...lots of GREAT memories. (minus Aiden's 103 degree fever one nite!) The only thing I regret is not getting ANY photos of Renee....how the HECK did THAT happen?! (Sorry Renee...it was not intentional!) I wanna go back...NOW!
What an incredible visit with my family. But it was the hardest thing saying good bye. It's so unnatural to be soooo far away, but I must not let the sadness take away from the wonderful memories of our time together....

January 8, 2011 (Saturday)
Time is going waaaaaay too fast, I wanna stay in WA forever!

January 6, 2011 (Thursday)
We are having such a wonderful visit with my family. The Luv Muffin is in TOY HEAVEN!! :-D He loved having 'Happy Birthday' sung to him, smiling ear to ear! He turns two on the 14th...we just had to celebrate while we were here...

January 3, 2011 (Monday)
I am MORE than half way packed for our trip...maybe that'll allow me to sleep a little. I can dream! (pleeeeease let me dream!)

January 2, 2011 (Sunday)
Why do I feel this incredible need to pop a Xanax every time I start...or even THINK about packing?? UGHHHHH! So much to think about and consider with Aiden!!
This is a pathetic status post...but watched the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN) a little last night and I'm screwed. It's too bleepin' good! Too many good shows!!! So many tears. Okay, that's all about that. Aiden will keep me from falling too far into the addiction. He's much more fun and entertaining! (and NO, I didn't get paid to write this....)

January 1, 2011 (Saturday)
It was a quiet, yet lovely New Year's Eve....spent with family and GOOD FOOD!  

OMG OMG OMG....I'm so excited, our trip to WA is around the corner. I'm making lists, checking them twice. Aiden's first plane ride. One's things for sure, he'll be the quietest 2 year old on a plane...EVER! The passengers and flight attendants are gonna LOVE him!!
We couldn't keep Aiden awake till midnite last nite NO MATTER HOW HARD WE TRIED...he was passed out by 11pm! If you knew Aiden, you'd say "what the heck!?" He's never asleep that early these days. The excitement must've worn him out. Still, a wonderful New Years Eve....HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE!!!!
 December 2010                                                                                          

December 29, 2010 (Wednesday)
I am soooo proud of Juan, he has been studying his bleepidty bleep off...and today he passed his exam and is now Network+ Certified!!! Two certifications under his belt...YAY FOR JUAN!!!!!!!!!
WHEW!!! I did it! I finally wrote about our Christmas Time in my blog. It was exhausting!! So, I warn you....I did not proofread it entirely, so don't mind any mistakes or things that don't make any sense. I hope you enjoy it! I know I will some day!!

Singing throughout your entire trache change, Aiden??? Now you're just showin' off! :-D

December 27, 2010 (Monday)
Has anybody with a trache (or other disablilty that requires extra equipment like suction machine or liquids) flown recently? Any helpful tips or suggestions???

Aiden is sleeping AND eating on the floor...he's a real multi-tasker!

It'll be nice to have a nurse again today...two days without! It wasn't bad, I'm sure Aiden loved it!!! All mom & dad...all the time! He's such a good Luv Muffin that it was a breeeeeeze, but now Juan must focus on studying. (and I must focus on SLEEPING!)

December 26, 2010 (Sunday)
Here's a video of Aiden being...well, Aiden! Note his dove impression, squirrel impression, and muscle man impression. He always wants to entertain!

A sample of the Luv Muffin...Christmas 2010 [HQ]
Length: 4:09
Loving Aiden
Christmas Day was a bit more quiet...slept in....ate leftovers (yummmy!)...and opened more gifts. Quite perfect, actually!

This was a first...Aiden smiling throughout his entire trache change. :-D

Photos: 25

Christmas Eve was so lovely, spent with family...enjoyed great food....opened some gifts!

Photos: 31

December 25, 2010 (Christmas Day!)
Thankfully Aiden isn't quite aware of the early Christmas wake up and unwrap frenzy tradition...since he didn't fall asleep till 3am! (due to an extremely late nap yesterday...till 10:30pm!!!) Mama didn't fall asleep till 9am, so I'm now just stirring. There's still time to open some presents...MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

December 24, 2010 (Friday)
I officially taught Aiden his first Christmas song....How do I know? Because last nite, he stopped in the middle of playing to turn and listen to the entire song of Jingle Bells that was playing on the tv. YAY!
December 23, 2010 (Thursday)

Aiden had me laughing all day. :-D

The unexpected perk of having a child....having that Christmas excitement re-ignited. I can't wait....I can't wait.... I CAN'T WAIT! :-D

Such a wonderful Christmas Eve EVE spent with family....napping under the tree, making jello cake, watching the REAL Miracle on 34th Street, reading and giggling with Aiden. For some reason, these are some of my favorite pictures to date. Maybe it's because Aiden looks so happy and animnated. He had us laughing our booties off!
By: Chrissy Killelea
Photos: 28

December 22, 2010 (Wednesday)
There's nothin' cuter than asking Aiden "Who's my Luv Muffin?"...cuz he'll come from where ever he is to directly in front of my face to point to himself with enthusiasm. Yep! HE'S my Luv Muffin!!! No question about it...

December 21, 2010 (Tuesday)
Here's a bunch of random pictures....sharing our Christmas Spirit and our Luv Muffin :-D
23 new photos

December 20, 2010 (Monday)
I accidentally taught Aiden a new impression...Santa Claus! He says "HO HO HO!" while holding his "bowl full of jelly" belly Lord, is it CUTE!!! I MUST get that on video. (The Christmas Spirit is among us!)

Seeing my family in WA in 16 days?!! I'm too afraid to get excited...I don't wanna jinx anything!!!! I love you "Mother Nature"....(yep, that was what you'd call 'brown nosing.')
December 19, 2010 (Sunday)
Best invention ever...pop up tape wrist thingy...that's the official name, I'm sure.

Finally going Christmas Shopping. We already got Aiden a puppy pillow pet...can't wait to find more for him. (Gotta tell ya, that pillow pet is friggin ADORABLE! He loves puppies ....and pillows....how perfect is THAT?)

December 18, 2010 (Saturday)
Ummmm...Christmas is next week?!?!?! WHAT THE.... guess I better start Christmas Shopping....

December 17, 2010 (Friday)
I noticed that it really freaks me out when I see a baby with five fingers. Ain't that somethin'?

December 15, 2010 (Wednesday)
Aiden is so flippin' cute in the morning rolling around with his favorite 'moo cow'. But it never fails, he always ends up making the sign for Ipod. A true junkie

December 14, 2010 (Tuesday)
I thought Aiden's recent swallow study was reason enough to get my lazy butt in gear and update my blog. :-)

Loving Aiden
December 13, 2010 (Monday)
The swallow study wasn't the most pleasant, but it was a success! It showed that when Aiden DOES swallow, he keeps anything from going into his airwary. It also showed that Aiden's tongue is extremely weak and has trouble getting food from his mouth down his throat. But now we have to go ahead to start working on feeding him orally. Plus, Aiden got to see all of his NICU nurses, they were so happy to see him!
Tomorrow...or shall I say today, since it's 2:30am as I write this....is our second attempt at Aiden's swallow study. Wish us luck....AGAIN! If all goes well, it means we can start the LONG & difficult process of getting Aiden to eat and drink through his mouth. We just have to be sure all is in 'working order' and that he wont apirate when he swallows. :-D
Here is our attempt at decking our halls...our tree may be small, but it's beautiful!
December 11, 2010 (Saturday)
Aiden's thing now is pointing at an object and expecting to have the objects name said by me...or dad...or nurse. And he'll continue pointing and staring until the name is said. (yep...he points A LOT!!!!!)

December 9, 2010 (Thursday)
Unfortunately, Aiden's swallow study was cancelled due to the therapist being sick. I'm bummed, yet relieved. I think Aiden will do better when he doesn't have a cold. :-)
This afternoon will be Aiden's 'swallow test'....I'm nervous and excited. I have no clue what to expect. Hopefully him having a cold doesn't delay things....wish us LUCK!

December 5, 2010  (Sunday)
Only Aiden practices falling on his butt and claps...only Aiden.... :-D
It's kind of pathetic (and pretty darned cute) when Aiden makes the sign for Ipod in the middle of a coughing fit. Ain't no pesky cough going to distract Aiden from whats REALLY important!

December 4, 2010 (Saturday)
If Aiden and I were feeling better (yes...now I got the bug...it was s a given), I'd take Aiden outside today to make his first tiny snow man. But....I bet there will be more snow in the future... :-D

Teaching Aiden Christmas songs brings out the kid in me. Ahhhh....the memories.

December 3, 2010 (Friday)
Aiden is doing much better today....no fevers since yesterday night. Now, just an annoying cough when he wakes up from sleep. Whew!

December 2, 2010 (Thursday)
My first baby, Pixie the Pug, is with her boyfriend, Bluto, in Doggie Heaven now. I will be forever grateful for Dave and Jackie for taking her in and loving her as their own when I couldn't...Rest in peace my sweet Pixie...

A huge round of applause for Juan...he just passed two exams (while Aiden was sick, & with sleep deprivation, mind you) and now he's A+ certified!! BRAVOOOO!!!!!

Poor Luv Muffin....102 fever yesterday and last night. Lots of coughing. Where the heck did THIS bug come from??? I gotta hand it to him, though....when the fever goes away, he's still the goofy, playful Luv Muffin we all know and love....

December 1, 2010 (Wednesday)
Aiden was SOOOO hyper last night, he actually jumped...with both feet off the ground. Trust me, that's unusual.

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