This morning, Aiden was kind enough to sleep till only 10 minutes before the alarm went off...I got me a little Aiden love before his nurse arrived! When Nurse Sandy got here at 7am, we showed her the plethera of new toys GrammaDonna brought Aiden, and WOW the birdy on the zoo toy is LOUD that early in the morning! I have a feeling it woke my mom up, cuz a 1/2 hour later I heard her rise outta bed. She couldn't wait to come out and play! Then I went to bed and drifted off to sleep...zzzzzzzzzzz.............
When I woke up at 1pm...okay 1:30pm...alright, you got me... 2pm (the snooze button is my best friend), I got up and showered...after I checked my Facebook, ofcourse! Juan and my mom were gone shopping and Nurse Sandy told be about their day. From what I heard, they ventured to the backyard...we haven't been there much since the flood...too many mosquitos. I was told he was actually digging his treehouse and slide-(he was always a little scared of it...dunno why), although he didn't love landing in the grass. Prickly grass...EEEEK! Juan and my mom returned with lots of food, and like always, Tony the boxer started barking his head off. That always wakes up Aiden (he was taking a nap). Just in time for me to try to eat on the couch. That is NEVER successful, with having to meet Aiden's demands and all. Mom, play the piano!...Mom, read to me! ....Mom, clap for me! Ofcourse he doesn't use words...he pulls me here, pulls me there, makes the sign for book...somehow we ALWAYS manage to communicate. I always forget that he can't talk.
After Aiden finally let me finish my breakfast, we started packing for our trip to my brother, Rich's house. We always get together before our birthdays and have ourselves a little celebration. Rich's wife and Aiden's God Mother, Katie's b-day is only one day before mine....(which is August 18...hint hint). Sounds like we are going on a trip to a destination far far away when I say pack for our trip because when we go ANYWHERE with Aiden, we must have certain things with us... Suction machine, check! Catheters, check! extra trache, check! extra g-button kit, check! HME's (these thingies that go over his trache to hold moisture in), check! feeding bags and food, check! g-tube extension and syringes for meds, check! The meds, check! Water for flushing, check! Ambu Bag in case of emergency, check! and ofcourse the usual baby stuff...diapers and wipes, check! extra clothes for diaper catastrophe's, check! blankets and rags, check!, toys and more toys, check!...and ofcourse, the Luv Muffin...check! When we finally finished packing and Nurse Sandy left for the day, we were off to Rich and Katie's. One thing people may not realize is...when traveling with Aiden, atleast two people need to be in the car. One to drive, and one to be in the back seat with Aiden...because if his trache plugs up, or if he just needs a suction, someone's gotta be there. That's another good reason to have a nurse during the day rather than over nite...for doctor's appts or say.... trips to the zoo.
Oh...and the video below is of Aiden dancing....ENJOY!
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