Sunday, August 15, 2010

Finally...GrammaDonna is HERE! 8.14.2010

Well....I tried to sleep late...but my eyes opened at 1:30pm and then my busy brain started.  I always get excited when my mom is coming to visit.  Heck, five hours of sleep aint bad!  Aiden woke up early again this morning.  But I swear his personality  has developed more overnite.  It's hard to explain.  It's like he now knows how to "make believe."   I handed him a little stuffed doggie and he smiled and he started petting him gently on the head. I've been trying to teach him how to treat animals gently...and I guess he's been listening.  :-D 

I felt bad for Juan this morning becuz when that alarm went off at 6:50am, he had to STAY up.  I don't think he fell asleep last nite till 2am or something.  We had a male nurse that has only been here maybe twice, and that was in April.  We didn't want to leave him alone till we were absolutely sure Aiden was comfortable.  At first, Aiden was quite apprehensive (which is's good not to trust strangers), but as the day wore on, he warmed up to him.  Thankfully Juan was able to catch a quick nap!

At 6:15pm, Juan headed over to the airport to pick up my mom.  Aiden was still was an unusually late nap, but he woke up JUST in time for my mom to walk in.  Aiden knew who she was...I could tell...but he was playing the "I'm soooo shy....I'm gonna hide right here next to my mommy" game.  But when GrammaDonna started pulling out all the toys she brought him, things changed pretty quickly!!  Oh my GOODNESS it was hilarious. I never saw him so excited over toys.  He knew GrammaDonna brought toys for him and she wasn't taking them back home with her!  He did the full body clap after GrammaDonna unveiled each new toy.  I was so glad I caught it on video!  The rest of the evening was spent playing... and walking... and climbing stairs... and driving his little red car all around the house.... and forcing his mom to play tunes on the piano...and playing with his new toys. (like my huge run on sentence?) 

"Chugga Chugga, Chugga Chugga...
Aiden is in "Little People" heaven! 
He is sooo into trains and animals right now!
Winding down after a bath... the end of the nite, we were all exhausted.  It was BATH TIME! After that I thought for sure Aiden would go down quickly...but was I wrong!  We tried several different techniques...and he kept fighting it.  FINALLY, he fell asleep.  Now he's dreaming of puppies and Dandylions as he "eats" his food.  My goal was to finish this blog by the time he finished eating so I can start reading my new book.  "Time Traveler's Wife."  I started it some time back but it got lost in the huge pile of boxes in the garage when I moved.  I've been really wanting to finish it.  Wow, I'm good....Aiden is done eating and I'm done blogging.  It's all in the timing! Good nite, ya'll.  (did I just write that?)
Oh, one more thing before I go....I added a new feature after each "blog" post, it's just a way to know how people are liking my blog without you having to write a comment (although I LOVE comments!).  You just click on the box you want.  I ALMOST made one box say "Real Snoozer," but I don't think I could handle such harsh criticism.  :-D  Okay...NOW I'm done blogging....Good Nite!

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