Ever try taking pictures of a moving target? It is not easy! So please...forgive the pictures. I just thought he looked awfully cute in his overall outfit. Today, all Aiden wanted to do is walk, walk, and WALK! Walking sideways, walking backwards, walking in circles, walking with eyes closed, walking on his knees...yes, you read that right. So our day pretty much consisted of us chasing Aiden where ever Aiden wanted to go. I think we burned more calories than doing an hour on the treadmill. Hopefully he is worn out, because last nite, the Luv Muffin decided to wake up all perky at 3:30am. WHAT?!? It took me about a 1/2 hour to lure him back to sleep. I think he was trying to say..."you think me waking up at 5:30am was bad...heh heh heh...you aint seen nothin' yet." Boy did I learn my lesson. We made it outside for a little bit, kinda hoping he would learn to start enjoying the grass more. There is nothing funnier than trying to put a child down and watching his legs recoil to avoid grass contact. Heeheeeheeee. So, instead...I sat in the grass while he sat on me and he played with a blade (NO...not a knife...a blade of grass!) and a dried up leaf. He was very content with that. So really, by now you realize after reading this, hoping it will get more exciting, today was pretty laid back and quite uneventful, which means a boring blog! Aiden, Juan and I are counting down the hours till my mom gets here from WA State (this Saturday...YAY!)...we always look forward to her visits!!! Anyhoo, I'm going to try reverse psychology by saying, "I HOPE Aiden wakes up really really early...that would be soooooo awesome!" Good nite! Uh oh...Aiden is stirring....uhhhh....nope, false alarm. Sweet dreams!
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