I bet you have that song in your head now because of my title. Sorry! (not really...) I absolutely love writing my blog...not only because I love to share our experiences and joys of Aiden with the you...but I get to re-live and reflect on all the best parts of my day. That is an unexpected perk! Even when I'm absolutely exhausted (like now...) and dreading the task...once I get started, it brings a huge smile to my face as I try to describe in words everything that happened that day. I hear his voice... I see his smile...I hear our laugh...I feel his little hands...I feel the love and pride...all over again! I think EVERYone should write a blog...it's the best therapy EVER!!! I suppose that's what a journal or diary is for...teehee....
Day 13 of Aiden's pin turning. Today was such a wonderful day! Not only did Mr.Sandman have mercy on me by letting Aiden sleep till past 7am, as I was getting ready to fall asleep for the day, Juan peeked his head in the door to tell me that he JUST turned the pins as Aiden slept in his 'play pen' crib and he only fussed a little bit. I can't get over how much easier it is getting day by day...soon he'll be turning the pins himself! (okay, maybe not...) I slept till about 3:45pm and it took all of my might to wake up. I knew that Tina, our nurse, was leaving at 4pm today and I thought I should hop in the shower and be out there with Aiden and Juan as he ate. When I went out by them in the living room...I was absolutely amazed at how different Aiden looked. For some reason, it is more noticeable today. (as you can see by pictures!) I can't get over it! And he still has a week left! I was so thrilled! Juan told me about Aiden's day. He did okay...he threw up once, but we're not sure why. Tina is still considered a new nurse and maybe Aiden isn't quite used to her. And if things are not the way he's used to, he gets irritable so he fusses and maybe he fussed to the point of throwing up. Who knows...it could very well be the excess secretions from the jaw distraction. But other than that...he had a good day. He was his usual self with mom and dad there. He sat in this little 'floor' chair and played and read books as he ate. I made sure I ate while I could because I knew that Juan had to take Cristian, his older son, for Senior Pictures at 6:30pm...so I had to seize the moment. Once Aiden was done eating, he made a break for his toys. Juan decided that he would bring Aiden upstairs to visit his grandparents, so I could eat in peace...without the fear of Aiden grabbing my plate and the plate crashing to the floor. Believe me, it's happened before. Aiden is a quick little fella! It's the little ones you gotta watch out for!
This has to be one of my favorite pictures of Aiden!!! |
Soon it was time to get Aiden ready for bed. His pin care went a little rough this time....there was some skin hanging there and I think it hurt as Juan tried to get it off. He had some tears. But afterward, Juan held him and then Juan would jump...and that cheered him right up! He was belly laughing. His face looked so different at that moment. The faces he makes...his smile...just everything. It's a wonderful thing!!
Well, that was our day. Tomorrow is Aiden's first follow-up visit with Dr. Patel...his surgeon who performed his jaw distraction. We have to go the Children's Memorial Hospital before hand to get x-rays so that Patel can see the progress. I'm excited...and nervous...believe me, you'll hear all about it! I have to wake up early, but it's worth it. Good night!!
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September 22, 2010 |
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September 8, 2010 | >
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