I guess I didn't do Sandman's chores quickly enough, because he paid me back...BIG TIME! Last night, or shall I say morning, Aiden popped his head up at 5am. He insisted on turning on his Jungle Music Box Thingy. I didn't cry...I was strong. Then of course he wanted to come in our bed...and he had only one thing on his mind... 'THOMAS!' So I got Juan's IPOD fired up and played his favorite episodes. Before I knew it...Aiden's eyes began to close. He fought it and fought it...he flopped around like a fishy, but after maybe a half hour, he fell asleep. (although it was a very restless sleep) What did he expect to happen??? He fell asleep at 1am and woke up at 5am!!! Silly goose! Now, if Aiden would have fallen asleep like a normal person and didn't have his body across the whole bed with his head at Juan's legs, and his legs by MY legs, I might have been able to relax...but I had to be on high alert to stop Juan should he want to turn over. That is my WORST fear!!! It was a long morning, but I'm glad Aiden slept. I'm also glad Sandy, his nurse got here! I knew I had to get up at 11:45am for MY doctors appointment at UIC.
My alarm went off at 11:45am and I was so out of it, I almost forgot why I had to get up! Once I remembered, I hopped out of bed and took the quickest shower ever recorded. We were out the door by 12:30pm. Juan came with me because the Craniofacial Center is located right around where he grew up and he's so familiar with the area...plus I was a little nervous. When I arrived, they showed us into a small office where, on the desk, sat this nasal scope contraption. I got even more nervous. Once Dr. Cohen, the surgeon came in, he numbed my nasal passage...which I did NOT enjoy, and then we waited for Dr. Reisburg to join the party. Once he arrived, they proceeded with the nasal scope. First with my obturator...then without. They wanted to see if I had any movement in the back of my throat to even consider doing any corrective surgeries. They confirmed what I already knew...no movement, which meant, if it ain't broke...don't fix it! They said I'm doing JUST fine in my current state and there would be no further correction that they could do for me. I was FINE with that. I'm 40 years old....I made it this far as I am...I don't think I would have wanted to have corrective surgery on my soft cleft palate, anyways. There is always a risk of failure. Then I was off to have an xray done of my head. This was to see if my implant has shifted and if it needs to be altered or removed. That was a piece of cake. No results were given, they will call me with any news or info. So we were out of there within an hour...which was amazing!
When we got home, Aiden was awake...I couldn't wait to see him. Sandy and Juan had turned the pins in the morning WHILE he was in his crib!! He barely stirred! It wasn't a fluke after all! Such a relief. I really notice the difference today...from the front AND the side. We knew Aiden's Physical Therapist was due to arrive at 3:30pm, so Juan and I went upstairs to eat. We made omelets...mmmmmmmm! Juan's mom is doing well...the cast really helps with the pain. Once we finished eating, we went downstairs and Amanda was already there chatting with Sandy. She went over the orthodics he would soon be getting and some of his goals in the future. She believes we should have him see a pediatric Orthopedic Specialist to be sure there are no abnormalities or fused bones in his legs. After the surgeries, I say! That is our priority! Once Amanda left, it was Aiden's late lunch time. When Sandy went to go put him in his tall, luxury high chair, he had a hissy fit! I only mention this, because he used a voice we never heard before. Like a cry, but a whiny cry. Of course that ended when she put him in the small chair. (what a faker!) Aiden ate and played. Soon he was free to roam. Sandy left at 5pm and that's when Aiden started to fade...big time! So, unfortunately, he went down for a very late nap...till 8pm. UGHHHHHH!
Once he woke up from his nap at 8pm, it was time for his dinner. He still refused the tall high chair. Must be a phase. Dinner was uneventful...lots of reading and playing. When his food finally finished Aiden couln't get out of that chair fast enough! He got up and got straight to playing. That's when the best part of the day happened. He started talking...A LOT!! Longer, louder, MORE! And he was so excited about it!!! I'm so glad I got it on video. It's just the beginning for him. Soon he'll be yapping up a storm!! We may end up putting ear plugs in! I almost cried I was so happy. When he was first born, we were told he would not be able to vocalized due to the trache. He proved them wrong! Now we wait for further surgeries so that he can open his mouth more and form actual words. He has such a bright future!!
Well...below are some videos....mainly the one of him 'talking'. I hope you take the time to watch them...
Good night everyone!
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9/8/2010 |
9/21/2010 |
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