I'm going to be honest with you...it is taking ALL of my might and every once of motivation I have stored up to write this blog. I can barely keep my eyes open. But I just feel so compelled to post these pictures. Plus, I can't exactly go to sleep...so writing actually helps the night go quickly. After day fifteen...I am amazed at his transformation. I continued to be amazed. It just gets better and better!
This morning, Aiden slept until nurse Melanie arrived. Even then, Juan just picked him out of his crib and brought him out and laid him in his 'play pen' crib out in the living room. He immediately proceeded to turn his pins...to take advantage of Aiden's sleepiness...to get it over with. He didn't fuss too much...but he was annoyed. So I picked him up and sang to him. It sort of calmed him down...he was woken up when he wasn't ready. I hate when that happens myself! Eventually, Juan took him so I was able to get some sleep.

I usually set my alarm for around 3pm...but I guess the battery on my phone ran out (that's my alarm). I ended up sleeping till 4:30pm. I checked my email and I saw that we had a nurse orientating today to help cover some of our sudden open shifts...so I made an effort to go out and meet her. Instantly, I knew she was perfect for Aiden. She even has had some of the same experiences with her own son...she knows exactly what to do and what we are going through. We spent some time talking to her...going over things...it went very well. We hope she becomes a regular! That was a huge weight lifted off my shoulders...a huge relief. It's hard to find nurses that we connect with...like Sandy and Melanie. We've been through a lot of them! Some we wanted gone...some had to leave. We have to trust them to be the best for Aiden...especially because I am sleeping for the better part of the day. Aiden was his usual charming self. VERY happy today...when isn't he?? I find myself staring at him whenever he makes a different expression that I haven't seen before. I can't get over the changes...and we still have 2 more weeks. wow.....

Aiden was a huge goof ball tonite. He smiled at everything. Everything made him laugh. He even giggled when I gave him kisses. He was just soooo lovable...more than usual. Imagine that! I think he feels so good. We gave him a bath tonight...and he was even smiling during his 'pin care'. It took a little time to get Aiden to fall asleep. He was just rolling around in our bed with his new pillow that his grandma made for him as he tried to watch 'Thomas the Train'. Eventually, sleepiness took over. I think some of it got on me, too! I'm soooo sleeeeeepy!!! I'm sure you can tell by my lame blog entry. Hey....I'm entitled to a few here and there! I am astonished at the before and after pictures below...unbelievable!!!
Well...I'm done...I did it....I wrote my entry and did what I promised....I uploaded the pictures. True dedication!!! GOOD NIGHT!!! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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