This morning after nurse Sonya arrived...I spent about an hour playing with Aiden, making sure he felt comfortable with Sonya. She hasn't seen him in two weeks and of course she was blown away by Aiden's transformation...but I had to make sure Aiden remembered her. He seemed to warm up to her right away. She has a very fun personality which Aiden loves. I tried to sneak out so I could go to sleep...my mistake was looking back a few times. I became very sad because he saw me and wanted me. I felt soooo guilty! But I knew I needed sleep!! I crawled into bed, and I let the tears flow. I think I just had a weak moment. I knew Aiden was fine...I just should NOT have looked back. Soon I fell asleep.

I woke up to the sound of Cristian, the oldest boy, yelling at Ivan to get out of the shower. I was glad though, because I would have slept all night otherwise! It was already 4:15pm! Cristian was getting ready for his Homecoming, so I didn't take a shower right away. I went out into the living room and that's when Juan told me that, just moments before, he tried the pins...and unbelievably...they turned twice!!! What the @&$%?!!! So I guess it's not over...yet. Poor Aiden. I suppose I'm glad....because if the pins are still there, it's good that they are there for a reason and not just for show. Once again, Aiden looks so different today! I bet the pins will turn till Tuesday...at the most. No...I don't wanna put any money on it...silly! Poor Aiden DID throw up again today...seems he's on the every other day plan. We can never seem to figure out what triggers it, but I believe in my heart, that it's excess phlegm that builds up as he sleeps. Sonya left around 5pm and Aiden was still eating. I sat with him and amused him. Once he was done eating and he was a free boy, I went and ate some dinner and took a shower. Juan hung out in the living room with his three sons. At this point, Aiden wanted so desperately to fall asleep...but it didn't happen till 7pm. DRAT! After I took my shower, I took Aiden into my arms so he could finish his LATE nap while Juan went to Target to pick up some Motrin and stuff. That little Luv Muffin slept till 9pm!!! I thought...we might as well not even ATTEMPT to try to put Aiden to sleep till midnight or 1am.

Once Juan got home, we made some more noise and the sleepy head finally rose. He sat on my lap getting kisses from mama for while and then he wanted to get down and play. I went and got his food ready. His meals were all off a little, time wise. As always, while Aiden was eating and playing with Juan's supervision, I did my chores. I gotta take advantage of any free moments or nothing will get done! Don't get me wrong...Juan does soooo much...in fact, today he cleaned the whole upstairs carpet. He does all the hard labor. (and much of the shopping)What a MAN! (heehee) He can pretty much do everything...plumbing, landscaping, painting, small electrical stuff, and anything computer related. He's a keeper!! I finished all of my chores before Aiden finished eating, so I went out to join him. I got some adorable videos...they are down below. After he ate and was freed, I got videos of him trying to speak...you can even see his bottom teeth, something that would not happen before this jaw distraction!! It's so wonderful!!!

We let Aiden play and wear himself out for a good long time. I love how he plays with every toy. It may look like he has a lot of toys, but not only is it the only place he plays (he doesn't really have a bedroom or playroom), but he plays with every one of them to the fullest extent...he appreciates them all. The crazy thing is....Juan and I haven't bought ONE toy for him!!! (maybe one...the Elmo puppet) They were either gifts or hand me downs. We know a lot of generous, loving people!! (you know who you are....) At about 1am, we decided it was time to turn in. He actually seemed a little tired. We got him ready for bed and we did a little 'Thomas the Train' watching and Aiden & I laid face to face (one of his fav things, now)...and soon he fell asleep in Papa's arms. I wasn't surprised that it wasn't until 2am till he fell asleep. One things for sure, he has slept a LOT better tonite...no crying...no tossing and turning. WHEW!
Well, that was another one of our exciting days. Tomorrow I'm hosting a Mary Kay Party. That should be fun! I invited lots of people, but only a few are coming. So many people had plans, or are out of town. But from what I'm told, these parties are best kept small. I'm looking forward to it! I do have to get up earlier than usual...and today, my allergies were RAGING! It's been a while since I've sneezed this much. I even took Benedryl during the day. Wow. Anyhoo...check out the pictures below...AND the videos....they are guaranteed to make you smile....
The pictures on the left were taken Sept 8, 2010 & the pictures on the right were taken Oct. 2, 2010
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