Well, what do you know...I woke up this 'morning' to see on Facebook a post from Juan that said when he and Nurse Melanie turned Aiden's pins...they both turned 1 and a 1/2 times and they came to a screeching halt... You know what that means? Pin turning is DONE! WOOHOO!!! I had a feeling it would be soon, but we had no idea HOW soon. Dr. Patel put the longest distractor made in Aiden, and we turned them to the fullest extent. And I've got to say, the results have FAR surpassed my expectation 10,000 fold. (wow...that's a lot.) I would like to think Aiden understands that his daily nuisance is over. The next step is another surgery to remove the pins. He does have to 'go under', and it's a 20 minute procedure. I would love for it to happen soon so that there is no more risk of infection. We miraculously made it through without one...we want to keep it that way!!! We'll find out this Thursday. I think I may write his nurse, Alma, to let her know that the pins have stopped turning, and maybe they could schedule the pin removal sooner. Wishful thinking!!!
He wanted Mama! |
Uh-oh...Aiden is stirring..I may be continuing this later. Shhhhhhhh....he's been stirring and tossing and turning all nite! I hope his ears aren't bothering him from all the throwing up he's been doing. He seems to tug at them now and again. So far, he is still sleeping. I had to pick him up one time after I gave him Motrin to help him fall back to sleep. He needed some tender love... I spoke too soon....he's up! ------ I think I just had to remove the humidity hose...it was getting in his way...maybe he'll stay asleep. I still gotta put his HME/filter on, but he keeps batting my hand away...feisty little sleeper!
Well, I better go check on Aiden. Pardon the blurry profile shot...you can still see the difference, though!! Good night everyone!!!
The picture on the left is from September 8, 2010 & the picture on the right is from October 1, 2010....
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