Wow...last night was strange. I was so sleepy, that I actually fell asleep a few times. Mainly due to the fact that Aiden was so still and sleeping peacefully. Both Aiden and I slept till 7:30am. Today we didn't have a nurse till 10am...Juan had class at night. I went out in the living room to give Juan a hand getting Aiden's food prepared and get him settled. Aiden was in a fine mood....all smiles. I had a tough time leaving him! But I did and I fell asleep almost instantly.

When my alarm went off, I did NOT want to get out of bed...so I hit snooze a few times. When I DID finally get up, I felt great! I slept so well and enough...I actually felt rested. I did my usual 'morning' routine and after Juan came in to kiss me 'good bye' before he headed out the door, I went and took my shower. When I got out into the living room, Aiden was still asleep! I guess he fell asleep after they turned his pin around 4:30pm... both pins turned very easily. Earlier, Aiden had Developmental Therapy with Katie. Sandy, Aiden's nurse, said he did so well....she always brings the best toys and keeps him captivated. Katie was absolutely floored over Aiden's transformation. She hasn't seen him in two weeks! While Aiden slept, I took care of a few chores and made myself dinner. Of course, it's when I finally sat down to eat, thats Aiden woke up. He was so groggy, but pepped up pretty quickly. As always, I was amazed at how he looked. So many different expressions....he's always opening his mouth...I bet it feels weird to feel his bottom teeth on his gums or on his upper teeth. Sandy played with him and Aiden actually let me eat. Before Sandy left at 8pm, I had everything ready for the evening. Aiden's dinner, all bottles and syringes cleaned, pjs laid out, my usual stuff. I played with Aiden till suddenly, in came papa!!! Another early night! I'm always so happy when he walks in....I enjoy his company, and so does Aiden!

We set Aiden down for his dinner and he played and watched some 'Thomas'. Dinner went smooth. Actually, Aiden didn't throw up at all today...second day in a row. We are going to try not to give him as much water between his breakfast and his lunch...maybe it's not digesting it well. (but I still think it's the phlegm build up). Doesn't hurt to try everything. We spent the evening playing...and unbelievably, at around 10pm, Aiden wanted to go into the bedroom! I thought it was going to be a late night. We got him ready for bed...and I couldn't believe how easily we could see his bottom teeth....I even got pictures. I made such a big deal about it that Aiden kept opening his mouth and smiling to show off his teeth. It was such a beautiful sight! After he was ready for bed, we shut off the lights and did our nightly ritual. A little 'Thomas', a little rolling around with mommy and pillow, and back and forth...till he wore himself out. He fell asleep around 12am...which was still earlier than I imagined last night. He proved me wrong. Tonight, once again, I fell asleep lightly for an hour. Maybe it's my allergy meds...I don't know! But I woke up around 2am and Aiden hadn't even moved. That's the big reason I can nap....him sleeping so sound. I fed him and then started uploading pics and writing on my blog. Well, that was our exciting day!

The videos below are so cute. They show Aiden seeing papa walk in...and the second shows Aiden in papas arm and he actually makes the sign for IPOD (which Juan made up for him). Pretty awesome! And of course below are Aiden's amazing before and after pictures....
The pictures on the left were taken Sept. 8, 2010 & the pictures on the right were taken on Oct. 4, 2010
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