I can't believe I'm awake right now...I'm running on fumes! There was NO sleeping in for me today...we had an appointment with Aiden's wonderful surgeon, Dr. Patel at Children's Memorial. I pretty much rolled out of bed, took a shower, slapped on the minimal amount of makeup I could get away with without scaring the children, and thankfully, Chrissy (Aiden's nurse for the day) had Aiden dressed and ready to go. I was up and out in 20 minutes. Anyone who knows me knows that a miracle!
We got there pretty much on time. Of course Aiden went straight for the piano. What was great is, when we walked in to the waiting room, there was a family there whose daughter has the same pins that Aiden has...it was nice to see someone else who was going through what Aiden was. Now....her micrognathia wasn't nearly as severe as Aiden's, so when we showed her parents his before picture, they were floored. I bet it really assured them that this was a great procedure that had wonderful results. Soon, we were called in to see Dr. Patel. It's funny, every time Alma, Dr. Patel's nurse, hears the piano out in the waiting room...she knows Aiden's in the house! :-D

It wasn't long before Dr. Patel came in. He was very happy with Aiden's results!!! He told us he barely recognized him. The next thing he said was "I think it's time we take the pins out!" I thought he'd say perhaps two weeks the earliest, but he surprised us when he said NEXT Thursday! I wanted to give him a big hug...but I refrained. As he was typing up orders, etc...I asked if it was still possible that the 2nd distractor could be put in while Aiden was in surgery Dec 23 for the removal of his first jaw distractor, and he said he wasn't even sure if he NEEDED the second jaw distraction!! I showed NO restraint when I started clapping and saying "YAY!" He said he wasn't promising that...but it is a possibility. Just knowing that it is a possibility is a wonderful thing! I knew Aiden's results were far beyond what we all imagined and hoped for. Leave it to Aiden! Then Dr. Patel requested that Alma take pictures of Aiden...mainly because of his hair...teehee. He wanted a picture of his hair! Too funny. On our way out, Alma asked if we'd see another mother and her baby to show her some positive results, and wouldn't you know it... both kids have the same Developmental Therapists!!! Katie! The mother said that she talks about Aiden all the time...how wonderfully he's doing and that he's an inspiration. What a wonderful thing to hear! And what a small world... So, you could say, it was a GREAT visit to Children's Memorial. Nothing but good news. WOOHOO!!

We got home around 4:30pm and we decided to turn Aiden's pins right away. I had to hold the pins, and I hated it! He cried, but Juan said that's how he always cries. Juan thinks he's more mad than anything. Even that bothers me! He DID calm down with some distractions...like 'Thomas', of course! Once he calmed down, we were able to feed him. Chrissy headed out at 5pm...and quite frankly....Juan and I were hoping Aiden would take a nap. NO LUCK!!! No napping for mama! It turned out pretty well, though. Aiden stayed up all night till it was bed time. Once he was done eating, we all went upstairs to eat. Aiden sat at his high chair and played some lovely dinner music for us. It was delightful! We hung out just a little bit upstairs...did a little rolling on Grandma's bed....talked to Karla....played with Murphy, the puppy. Then Aiden wanted his toys downstairs. My oh my, we were ALL exhausted!! Juan and I kept looking at the clock waiting for 9 to roll around so that we could feed him again and then maybe get Aiden ready for bed. It felt like an eternity. Soon, 9pm rolled around. He ate....and played....and almost right after that, we brought Aiden into the bedroom to get him ready for bed. We could tell that he was fading fast! After he was all ready, I tried once again to get those steri-strips off the sides of his face. I was finally successful with the left side!! WOOHOO!!! And I couldn't believe how little scarring there was! AMAZING! Who knows, though...they may have to go in the same way to take out the jaw distractors...but Dr. Patel is so good, and Aiden heals so well, it may stay that little even after that happens. Thankfully, Aiden fell asleep IMMEDIATELY!!! I even took a mini nap...more like closed my eyes...but it's amazing how much THAT even helps.

Unfortunately, we got a call from our nursing agency, and the nurse we had that was supposed to cover Melanie, can't work tomorrow! What the heck? So as of right now, we have no nurse tomorrow. UGHHHH!!!! Juan says he's not worried, but it'll be hard for me to sleep knowing that he's out there alone with no relief as I snooze away. And I need sleep like never before. Maybe they'll find somebody to come in late...even for a few hours, but with such short notice...I doubt it. Well, that's was our VERY exciting day. Life is good! As always, check out the before and after photos below....WOW!!!! Good night!
The pictures on the left are from Sept. 8, 2010 & and the photos on the right are from Oct. 7, 2010......
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