Not only did Aiden sleep through his transfer out into the living room this morning...but it was soooo nice having a nurse arrive at 7am! You don't know how good ya have it till you go without it. Both Juan and I went right back to bed...although because Juan's sons were at their mom's, Murphy (the puppy) had to sleep in our room and he whimpered and whined the whole time till Juan decided to give up on sleep at 10am. After that, I slept like a rock until 3pm. I set my alarm somewhat early because I knew it was supposed to be a beautiful day. I was soooo exhausted, though. I just layed in bed...checked FB and called my mom. By the time I was done...showered and dressed, it was 5pm. I went out in the living room and nurse Sonya was finishing up her shift and Aiden was being a cutie pie. My hair was wet and when I sat on the floor, Aiden automatically went for my hair. He was fascinated and amused that my hair was wet. He pretty much petted and stroked my hair for like 15 minutes. Teehee...that will be one of my favorite memories of him when he's all grown up. That's when Juan told me that he was DONE turning Aiden's pins. I guess Aiden was so upset...shaking even...that he doesn't think it's worth the torture. Maybe the distractor is pushing on something...I personally think it's done! How could it move any more. I agreed with Juan 100%! I actually wanted to stop after yesterday when I witnessed that pin turning. He was fine for the whole month...but towards the end there...it wasn't pretty. I think his jaw is as far out as it can go...there's no where for his bottom teeth to go forward. So.....ALL DONE!!!!

Believe it or not, Juan and I actually made it outside for a beautiful evening walk in the park. It was absolutely gorgeous! By that time it was maybe 80 degrees and the fall colors were so lovely. Such a strange combination! Hot weather and Fall leaves. Of course Aiden enjoyed himself. The odd thing was, as we were walking, we would feel changes in the temperature.. like cool pockets...then hot pockets (NO...not the pastry, silly). It's hard to explain...but neither Juan nor I have ever experienced anything like it...and I'm pretty sure Aiden hasn't either. VERY bizarre! By the time we were done with our walk, it was getting a bit dark. And I was STARVING.

Once Aiden was up, we did a little reading and playing. He was one happy Luv Muffin, but a little wobbly. He was still tired. We kept him entertained hoping he would last till 10:30 or 11pm...his usual bed time. Thankfully he did. He did quite well! We brought him into the bedroom and got him ready. I thought he'd fall asleep a lot easier...so I tried to put him to sleep myself. Of course THAT didn't work. Juan was finally able to put him to sleep. It wasn't too late. But let me tell you...he was sooooo restless during his late LATE feeding (at 2am)...I had to watch him the whole time, I thought he was going to pull out his g-tube extension or throw up. But he finished his feeding without incident. Whew!

So, today was the last day of pin turning and we are all ecstatic! No one more ecstatic than Aiden. 30 days has come and gone. We thought it would only be two weeks...then it was three weeks...then it turned into a month! So...even if the pins could turn more, enough is enough. He looks amazing and we are all thrilled with the results! Now we wait until Thursday to have the pins removed....then we wait till December 23rd to have the distractors removed. And maybe...JUST maybe he wont need to have the second jaw distraction. But we'll see what Dr. Patel says. He knows best! So, below are the last before and after pictures...and they are INCREDIBLE! Good night everyone!
The pictures on the left were taken Sept. 8, 2010 & the pictures on the right were taken October 9, 2010....
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