I'm sure you weren't overly concerned why I didn't write an entry last night...I betcha didn't lose sleep...I'm glad you didn't. It was just that Aiden woke up INSANELY early...2:30am to be exact... and insisted on mommy 'bouncing' him for an hour and not going back to sleep till 10 minutes to 5...AM. I knew that he'd probably wake up early...but 2:30am...come on!!! Earlier that night while Juan was off at class, nurse Sandy and I knew from 7pm on that Aiden was extremely tired...so my only goal was to try to keep him up till 9:30pm. I barely made it. He played like a drunk man, ate with his eyes half open, then I brought him into the bedroom at 9:15pm and he was asleep at 9:30pm. Juan got home a half hour later...he was shocked that he was already tucked into bed. The positive thing that came out of Aiden waking up for the 'brief' play time was, once he fell back to sleep, he stayed asleep till 10am which allowed Juan to try to get some sleep. He was absolutely exhausted today.

Since I didn't fall asleep till 10am, I set my alarm for 5pm. I slept like a ROCK! I woke up...called my mom...chatted for a bit. I think I was feeling a little down in the dumps. I've been feeling as though I'm living in a cave like a bat. I realized that in the past 24 hours, I only spent 5 hours or so outside our bedroom. With Aiden falling asleep so early and me having to stay in the room AWAKE and then going to sleep from 10am till 5pm...no wonder I'm so tired and fatigued. I'm not complaining, it's all for Aiden and it's very temporary...but the darkness...the lack of exercise...the lack of leaving my bedroom...it can take a toll on a person. What makes it harder is Juan's classes being at night. I don't get to sleep till later...so I sleep later, but we all end up back in the room at the same time. Plus it's getting darker sooner. At least when it got dark at 9pm...I had a chance of getting outside for some fresh air...for a walk. I spilled my guts to my mom...but I know that these feeling are only a bump in my positive outlook...which always disappears once I see my Luv Muffin. So I got my butt up...took a shower...made me some dinner....and headed out into the living room.

Aiden is the best anti-depressant. His silly antics always cheers me right up. Sandy told me that he had a great day. He had speech therapy with Kelly. I guess he surprised both Sandy and Kelly when he imitated an owl hooting a few times in a row when his animal wheel landed on the owl. Teehee. He's been doing stuff like that lately. Every time he turns on the light switch on the house toy and it says "on"...he imitates it. I also catch him singing and doing his sign for "out came the sun". Also...I had NO idea he knew the sign for car...which is pretending to steer. He's such a little sponge! A spongy Luv Muffin! Kelly also wants Aiden to go to Aspire to have a test that will access Aiden's communication skills because there is a 'machine' that we could get that could help Aiden communicate with us better. I don't know much about it...but that's the gist of it. It must show pictures or something...I don't know. I guess I'll find out soon enough! Sandy left a 8pm... and Aiden and I had a blast. While Juan was at school...we played with his air-ball toy...pretty much till it was time to eat a half hour later. He was so cute. As always, while he's sitting in his high chair, he loves when I twizzle one of the drum sticks...well THIS time, he started doing it on his own...and he was quite good! Those are some nimble fingers! I grabbed my phone and got a video of it...of course I uploaded it. It's at the bottom...

Juan got home pretty darned early...around 9:15pm. He made us both a fruit smoothie and we watched the footage of the 33 miners that were trapped in a mine for 70 days getting rescued. Pretty amazing stuff! I was so relieved that Aiden lasted a lot later tonight. At 11pm, we got him ready for bed...it took very little effort for him to fall asleep, and he's barely moved all night. Alleluia!! I hear him stirring a little bit now...but I think he's just dreaming. When Juan came home, he told me that he didn't have class tomorrow night. SWEEEEET! Too bad we have a nurse still scheduled to come at 10am. Well, that's all for now. I am just so glad Aiden didn't wake up at 2:30am like last nite. Although he was adorable as always, it was quite brutal...and exhausting! Good night everyone!!!
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