I didn't write last night hoping that maybe, just maybe, I would catch some zzzzzzzz's...but of course that didn't happen. But quite frankly, I'm used to not sleeping till 9:30am anyways...so really, I was hoping JUAN could get some zzzzzz's. Unfortunately, Aiden woke up before 5am. (just when I was supposed to get up and get ready for our big day.) As usual, he played in his crib and then wanted out!! I decided to go ahead and get Aiden dressed so that Juan could get another 15 minutes of sleep. Aiden wasn't too thrilled about that...he just wanted to watch "Thomas" for God's sake! At 5:15am, I woke up Juan so I could get dressed while he watched Aiden. We took turns. As soon as Tina, our nurse, got here at 6am, we were out the door headed for Children's Memorial for Aiden's pin removal.

We arrived right at 6:30am...we lucked out with light traffic. When we walked in, the butterflies flooded my tummy! Very quickly we were escorted to the surgical waiting room and brought to our bed and the nurse began doing vitals. Of course, Aiden got so upset. The littlest things freak him out. Putting the tag on his ankle, weighing him (now he's 22.5 lbs!), checking his blood pressure. It breaks my hearts even though he's not being hurt in anyway. We were visited by the anesthesiologists and we were told that this procedure would require minimum anesthesia and NO IV! WOOHOO! As we waited to see Dr. Patel, we were singing and talking to Aiden...suddenly Juan tells me that he just saw Aiden's tongue!!! Then again...and again!!! I turned him to me and low and behold, he stuck that little tongue through his teeth...it was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!!! It was the first time we've ever REALLY seen his tongue, and that's what this jaw distraction was all about. It was almost as Aiden wanted to show us that all that he's been through this past month has been a total success!!! I think I did cry a little...it's all a blur. I DID do a dozen cartwheels in my head, that much I do know. The surgical nurse came by with Aiden's happy medicine, something to help calm his nerves...it didn't take long for Aiden to transform into the cutest bobble head EVER. Then Aiden's wonderful surgeon, Dr. Patel came by to speak with us. He was soooo thrilled at Aiden's transformation, we did a few more days of pin turning after we saw him last. He even ran to get his camera. By chance, we also saw the surgeon that helped Dr. Patel with Aiden's craniotomy. Dr. Alden was also amazed with Aiden's results. Soon, the anesthesiologist came by and took Aiden away. Aiden didn't freak out, that's the beauty of that happy medicine. If he would have gotten upset, I would have lost it.

Then like zombies, we walked into the waiting room... we know that room well! We waited...drank some coffee...chatted. Nurse Tina still couldn't get over how different Aiden looks. She hasn't seen him in weeks! Then, 20 minutes later, in walks Dr. Patel with Aiden's screws in a baggy! Holy Smokes...that was fast!!! He told us that everything looked great...that he even turned the pins three more times...but thats all that was left. He told us again that he didn't think he would need the second jaw distraction. That was music to my ears. He also said that he wanted to leave that jaw distraction plate in for a very long time... that there was no hurry in taking it out. The longer it's in, the stronger the bone will be. YAY!!!! Everything was a complete success!!! Soon after Dr. Patel left, we were escorted to the recovery room. When we walked in, the nurse was holding Aiden, and understandably, he was upset. He had two band aids under his chin and some blood, but other than that, he looked incredible!!! We were reminded that it's not so much about pain, but he's crying because he's coming out of the anesthesia. He calmed down quickly once we held him. We were then taken to another recovery room and we were told that Aiden could go home as soon as the discharge papers were given to us. I was in shock!! It was only 8:30am! So, we got Aiden dressed and he watched Thomas, until the discharge nurse came in and went over everything. We left that hospital before 9am. INCREDIBLE!
Uh OH! Aiden's awake and it's only 5:30! gotta go!

Okay...well now it's 8:30am...and I'm back just to wrap this up. I just spent a couple hours playing with Aiden....watching the IPOD...reading...and Aiden playing with my hair. Chrissy, our nurse, got here at 7am and of course we started chatting...so now, I'm ready to go to bed. Yesterday, once we got home...Aiden was high from the anesthesia and he refused to get out of the 'low' chair once he was done eating...he was so goofy and drunk! I eventually snuck out...and from what I hear...he stayed in that chair till 12:30pm!!! That's 2 and a 1/2 hours!!! Anyhoo...I snuck out and slept till 7pm and unfortunately, I woke up with a raw throat. What the heck? I wanna believe it's allergies...I still have it. UGHHHHH! The rest of the night was lovely, he went to bed at a normal time. He acted like nothing ever happened. So wonderful! Well, I'm gonna go to bed. Nighty night!!! He didn't want me to leave this morning....kinda heartbreaking. But mama's gotta sleeeeeeep! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....................
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