Hello! Yes, I know, my blog has been ignored...pushed aside...severly neglected. Things are all topsy turvy. Lately since Aiden has been sleeping with us and he's having minimal secretions at this very moment, I've been able to sleep a bit and getting up about noon. But that means I haven't been able to update my blog. Don't get me wrong, I'm still on night nurse duty...I wake up every time Aiden moves more than a twitch or needs a suction, but there is something about having Aiden in the bed with us that make me able to sleep a bit. Plus, this minimal suctioning wont last long...it's a rare occasion! I think he's healthy, for one thing, and he's not teething at the moment. Last night though, after storing all the saliva in his mouth like a squirrel all day, as soon as Aiden fell asleep, I had to suction him for about an hour while all that saliva Aiden was hoarding made it's way down his throat. Aiden has an appointment tomorrow with Dr. Hotaling, so I'm still going to ask about anything we can do about excessive saliva production while he's still learning how to swallow. I also can't wait to hear his reaction to Aiden's surgery results!!! Dr. Hotaling is the surgeon that put in Aiden's trache and saved his life and every time we visit him, he always brings up how Aiden was the hardest tracheostomty he's ever had to perform, and he's done A TON! I bet he'll be shocked! I also want to hear if and when Aiden is ready for a swallow study so we can start teaching Aiden how to eat. So exciting!!
Well, I know I have a lot to catch up on. My mom was here all last week and she left Saturday afternoon. The visit went WAY too fast. I hate that I didn't write during the visit, I always like to remember the details. Some of the highlights were going to the park for a bit.....it was an unusually warm week for early November. We also made it over to Rich and Katie's for pizza....it was a very nice time!! Aiden loves it there, he seems to feel at home there. He LOVES the open floor plan...teehee...lots of room to roam! I almost forgot, one evening....Mom helped us with Aiden's trache change! She was nervous... she did the trach tie loosening, neck wiping and neck holding part. We kind of surprised her...not on purpose, but it was good so she didn't have time to panic. Then we showed her the trache outside of him....what it looked like when we suctioned him....how far the catheter went in. I think it was good to involve her in this process. I think she understands more and feels better about suctioning, etc. GREAT JOB GRAMMADONNA!!!! Next time, YOU do the trache change. teehee...just kidding!!!
Visit to the park!
Evening at Rich and Katie's House
Juan has completed his first week of his third class...this one is for two weeks. We finally decided that our visit to Washington over Christmas had to be postponed. Yes, I was sad...still am....but once we made the final decision, I was able to mourn the loss of it and then realize that it's still going to happen and that it's for the best. Juan found out that he had to complete and pass two of his exams by the end of December or else he would have to re certify every three years (out of his own pocket) so the pressure was getting to be too much. These classes are TOUGH!!! So much in so little time. So we all had to take a deep breathe and say....it's still going to happen...we will be going to WA..... lets focus on one thing at a time. I bet it took a lot of pressure off of Juan.
My goodness, Aiden has been growing and growing...not only physically, but mentally! He says "Mama, no no, and la la la...when he's in a 'talking' mood. He also copies us when we talk to him...repeating the 'way he does' after we say something to him. He also sings...and dances so much! Yesterday he was dancing with his arms and everything!! He also like to throw balls everywhere...just to see where they land. Like a pinball game. When my mom was here, we played a lot of catch. He also showed us his magic tragic...the one where he has two balls and he switches hands. I have a video of it that I will upload. Who knows how he came up with THAT one. Hmmmm...what else is he doing? Still loves Thomas....and Shaun the Sheep and Sesame street. His favorite toy is still the air ball music toy...and now that little computer touch screen (ELMO). and his favorite book is still that ocean book...he's know ALL the animals. He loves to mimic their sounds. My mom got to see him talk a lot! I guess one day the nurse and her took aiden for a walk and they actually let him do some of the walking himself. He was pointing to all the cars driving by. He's a little boy now!
This is a picture of Aiden with GrammaDonna just a few minutes after playing the "I'm so shy!" routine...even though he saw and slept on GrammaDonna less than a day earlier. Such DRAMA! But he was smitten. He was afraid of The Thomas the Train toy that moved and 'Choo Choo-ed" and oddly enough...the Thomas the Train book she brought. Dont ask me!!! Now he loves them...although he didn't warm up to them till AFTER GrammaDonna left...
What else...what else....oh! I guess Derek, Lynette, Jeff and Rich surprised my mom with a new dish washer, so when she came home on Saturday, Ava and Lynette were there and there was a big ol red bow on the dishwasher. My mom was so surprised! She needed one badly, especially with Thanksgiving and the holidays around the corner. Well, I better get out to the living room. I tried to take a nap, and of course, I couldn't. At least I got to catch up on my blog. WOOHOOOOO! I promise I will share all about the appointment with Dr. Hotaling tomorrow. Hope I will have lots of good news. Till then...ta ta! I will add pics and such later on when I have a chance (and proofread....).
These pictures were taken after my mom left.
He was having the best time playing with mom's glasses!
The next two videos are of Aiden playing catch with GrammaDonna....he may not be ready for the pros quite yet...but with a little more practice, ya never know!
Below is the video of Aiden's trick! I'm not sure how he came up with it....
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