Hello Stranger! I know, it's been a while, but it's been tough getting a chance to write. Aiden's been sleeping in our bed lately because he seems to need a lot of suctioning throughout the night. He's been asleep for about an hour already (it's 3am now), and I've already had to suction him. We think it's because ever since his jaw distraction, he's been moving his tongue alot...making more saliva. The thing is...he is not used to having to swallow...so it builds up in his mouth....goes down his throat mainly while he's sleeping...hence lots of suctioning. We are going to ask Dr. Hotaling about that next week. Maybe there is something that can be done for that. A nurse mentioned a patch that could help lessen the production of saliva. That would be good for the time being.

So... my mom's here!!! YAY!!! She actually got here on the 6th (Saturday) and she went straight to Rich and Katie's. I was quite fine with that because I was hurting from the previous day. On Thursday, we had an appt with Dr. Patel and it was quick and painless. Everyone was so impressed with Aiden. They took pictures and Dr. Patel said that we should keep the jaw distractors in till end of January. WOOHOO!!! Anyways...it was exhausting because Juan was at school and I had to go with only four hours of sleep. I survived, but the next morning we got a call from IPI saying that our nurse was sick (after I was up ALL night dying for her to get here in a half hour). I was so upset. Not at our nurse, just the situation. I was soooo tired and Juan had school. I just KNEW we weren't going to get a nurse. I made the best of it after a mini melt down. At 9:45am, I was called and told that nurse Chrissy could work in the afternoon...so that made me feel a little bit better. Once Aiden was awake, I found my energy. Aiden was so cute all day...just a joy. I got to watch tv with him, play with him....do things I don't normally do cuz I'm always asleep during the day. Occupational Therapy even came. I always miss out on that! Finally, Chrissy arrived around 3:30pm. Quickly after that, Juan got home. I ate and went straight to bed. I think I slept till almost 10pm. I was so tired...I can't even recall the rest of the evening. (nor the whole next day!) I think I cleaned or something.

On Sunday, I knew that we had to get up early (1pm) to get ready. We were heading to Jennifer's house for a 'Memorial' dinner that we were having for Aunt Rosie. We got there around 3:45pm....just as Mom, Rich, Ryan and Logan pulled up. What a wonderful memorial. It was an Aunt Rosie recipe theme. Everyone (except us) made food that Aunt Rosie used to make....Pork Roast, Chicken and Dumplings, Stuffed Peppers, Sour Kraut, Cabbage, Fruit Salad, Jell-O Cake....it was amazing! All the Killelea's were there (that lived in this state). Jennifer and family (of course!), Denise and Family, Karen and Family, Rich and the boys, Mom, John...and us! Sandy, our nurse, joined us for a bit. Everyone couldn't believe how different Aiden looked. Aiden was just walking around, flirting with the girls, playing piano with GrammaDonna, being silly. He sat in his 'low' chair playing as we all ate...then we fed him. Then once everyone ate the Aunt Rosie buffet....we all gathered around to watch a video that Aunt Ruth had sent. It was all about Aunt Rosie's life...what a great life it was!! She lived life to the fullest. I had a few tears. Aiden conveniently fell asleep in GrammaDonna's arms....what great timing. Then he woke up right after the video. We talked about Aunt Rosie...about memories....it's pretty sad the list of people we have lost through out the years. *sighhhhh*

Around 8:30pm, we all started to head home. We fed Aiden and got ready for bed. Aiden was talking up a storm!!! I forgot to mention that on the way to Jennifer's house, Aiden was licking his lips and everything. I'm soooo not used to seeing little tongue! teehee. Anyhooo....Aiden was yapping away, moving his jaw and I kept trying to get him to say "mama". He was always so close...finally he did it! Closed his lips and everything! He said 'mama'!!! His first official word! :-D So exciting!! My goodness, Aiden didn't fall alseep till 2:30 or 3am. I was sooooo exhausted cuz I only got 3 hours of sleep. BRUTAL!! Thankfully, our nurse got here at 7am and I slept the entire day away.
Today I woke up, showered and got ready. I was ready right in time to see Sandy off. I spent the little time I had before my mom got here setting up her sleeping quarters... Cleaning, blowing up the mattress, dressing the bed. I finished up just in time! Mom got here around 7:30pm. I was so happy! Aiden on the other hand was so unbelievably shy. He ran to papa and hid his face every time my mom would talk to him. He would even 'whimper' when she showed him the new 'Thomas the Train' book, movie, and train to him. Silly Luv Muffin! Soon...very soon....he finally warmed up to her. It really didn't take long. Aiden was sitting on my lap facing me and my mom sat next to me. He started reaching for her and soon he went with her. He LOVES his GrammaDonna!!! Even through out the night, he would go up to the 'Thomas' book...touch it...and walk away all shyly....same with the train. Teehee! We spent the evening playing with Aiden. Reading to him while he ate. He impressed his grandma with all his animal knowledge. Even started sticking out his tongue. Even more than before! By the end of the evening, he was talking. Just enough for my mom to get a sample. He ALWAYS does most of his 'chatting' at night, while he's getting ready for bed. I dunno why!? He started saying 'la la la...' Each day is going to be something different. My mom was in bed by 11pm and Juan fell asleep around midnite. Aiden didn't fall asleep till 2am. EEEEEK! So I thought I'd try to catch up on my blog.
Pretty soon we are going to have to get Aiden sleeping in his crib again. He (and I!) are going to get WAY too used to this set up. I can actually sleep in little spurts here and there while he's sleeping next to me. But he'll never want to sleep alone again! Well, that's that!! Good night, everyone!
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