I was thinking of going to bed early, but the thought that I still haven't written about our Holidays has been a definite contributor to my inability to SLEEEEEEP! Plus, Aiden is asleep, must take advantage!! I don't want to forget everything, it was such a wonderful Christmas Time. This year I felt like Aiden understood more about getting presents and the Christmas Tree...and Christmas music. I've been singing to him non-stop....especially Jingle Bells....and on Christmas Eve, as we were watching 'Miracle on 34th Street', Aiden stopped playing and completely turned around and listened and bopped to 'Jingle Bells' when he heard it. It's official, Jingle Bells is the first Christmas Song Aiden knows! I also taught him how to act like Santa Claus by putting his hands on his belly and then wave his hands in the air when I say "HO! HO! HO!...MERRY CHRISTMAS!" What a jolly Luv Muffin!!

What REALLY got me in the Christmas mood was when my sister, aka Minemineeee, sent me a Christmas package with Christmas books, an ornament and some pictures....AND a copy of 'The Ray Conniff Singers' Christmas CD. Oh my goodness, it brought back soooo many memories. Me and my sister decorating our iddy biddy tree in our shared bedroom...before we took over our Mom and Dad's room. I had Aiden in my arms, dancing....with tears running down my face. Memories of the good ole days flooded my brain. It was so wonderful! Another thing that put me in the spirit was actually shopping for Aiden (and a couple others). We weren't sure we could afford anything this year, but we were able to get some things, after all. We bought wrapping paper, bows, tags, cookies, egg nog, presents... everything we needed. When we got home, Aiden was still sleeping, so I put on some Ray Conniff...loud enough to mask the noise, and wrapped all the gifts...right next to Aiden. He had nooooo clue. I love wrapping Christmas gifts...just ask my mom. I soon realized how much joy and excitement Aiden brought back to Christmas, again. Once I wrapped everything, I just couldn't WAIT for him to open them!! I felt like a kid again!

Christmas Eve EVE......
So I guess I'll start with Christmas Eve EVE. It was like any other day...but we did something a little different...we had Aiden take his afternoon nap under the Christmas Tree. My goodness, he looked soooo cozy. Of course we had to surround him with tons of pillows because Tony, the boxer, freaks out anytime anyone comes over and he very easily coulda trampled him. Nothing happened, of course. But Aiden slept so wonderfully. We were able to eat, and I was able to start 'part 1' of the Jell-O Cake making. (the yellow cake) But when Aiden DID finally woke up, he was so happy (and slightly confused)...he just stood up and started clapping. Teehee.

We all hung out upstairs for a while. We even finished up the Jell-O cake....that means the yellow cake cooled off enough to pour on the jell-o and put on the banana pudding. Unfortunately, I was quite discouraged. Instead of instant pudding, cook and serve pudding was accidentally bought. I've NEVER used cook and serve pudding....why do they still MAKE it???? Needless to say, it didn't turn out well. But we put it in the fridge and hoped for a Christmas miracle. I shook off the disappointment and we headed downstairs.

When we went downstairs, it was about time for the Luv Muffin to eat. So I sat with Aiden while he 'ate' his PediaSure. I bet Aiden is the envy of most children....how many kids can play while they eat? So we read some Christmas Books....he loved the book that his nurse Sandy bought for him....he is now a raving fan of Winnie the Pooh...and Eeyore! He now knows who Santa is....he picks him out of every book. After Aiden was done eating....I changed his diaper and he off and running! I couldn't even get his pants back on! Oh well, he was going to bed soon, anyways. Juan and I put on the REAL 'Miracle on 34th Street' and Aiden played. He was so unbelievably cute...more than usual...if that's possible! He was reading every book he owned with extreme enthusiasm. When he got to a certain bunny, he went over to papa...he always DOES that. We can't figure out why. One of the cutest things he was doing was sitting down in front of me, and when I would say "Who's my Luv Muffin?", He would JUMP UP and point to himself. Oh my LORD, I wish I could have video taped it. He did it over and over again. Well, he's got one thing right for sure....he IS my Luv Muffin, no DOUBT about it!!! Soon it was bath time...and then beddy-bye (hey...that's what my Dad used to always say!) We knew we had a big day ahead of us tomorrow...Christmas EVE! So we all got a little shut eye.

Christmas Eve......
We had a hunch, though, that Aiden would be fading FAST. His nap was only 20 minutes this afternoon....and that just isn't adequate. And my hunch was correct. By 8:30pm, Aiden head started bobbing and he fell asleep. So we headed downstairs with the sleeping elf, made him a bed on the floor, all cozy, and while we were at it, we fed him. Juan and I actually enjoy spending some quiet time together....we put on 'It's a Wonderful Life' and watched it as Aiden slept. It was a shame, though, because just as we headed downstairs, Elio and Family, Luz, Ian, & Stephanie by. We ended up missing the entire present opening frenzy. I think it was better off, though...Aiden may have been overwhelmed by the frenzy...he's not used to so many kids at one time.
Aiden finally woke up around 10:30pm. We DID get to see Luz and Stephanie for a moment. It was the first time Steph saw Aiden since he's had the jaw distraction! Wow, I bet she was stunned. Then it was time for Aiden to open some presents. We knew Aiden would be up for the long haul. First, we started with Aiden's 'pillow pet'. It was so funny cuz we couldn't get Aiden passed the bows!!! He would've played with them for hours. So I pretty much opened the present for him. Oh...was he in LOVE!!! He was so happy with his puppy pillow pet. I knew he would be. He mauled it and played with it a bit. Soon, we were ready for his next gift. Boy, did THAT take some doing. I finally poked a hole in the wrapping and turned the thing on! What cracked me up is that he started playing with the toy...still wrapped. My plan failed! So I just unwrapped it for him. It was his toy tool set. He was digging it! But the winner had to be the 'Thomas the Train' toy phone that was next. Oh my word!! He was so giddy with THAT toy. He smiled every time he would press a button. I loved it. He really liked his presents. By the time we were done opening presents, it was 2am. And we kept thinking about how we had no nurse the next day. So Juan wanted to get to bed...and I don't blame him! I was quite surprised because once we got Aiden in the room, he fell asleep very quickly. I thought he'd be up ALL night!!! Maybe he knew that Santa was on his way.

Christmas Day......

I didn't sleep too well...I think the wine I had gave me a bit of a headache. I didn't have a lot...that MAY have been my problem! I ended up staying awake so that when 7am rolled around, I got Aiden's breakfast ready and I started it. That way, Juan was able to stay asleep for a few hours longer. We knew we didn't have a nurse and we didn't get to bed till 3am! Turns out, Aiden stayed asleep till almost 11:30am. Since he slept in our bed, he didn't get interrupted by the transfer into the living room when the nurse usually arrives. So Juan slept till 10am. WHEW! ME on the other hand didn't wake up till 4pm!! No early wake up and present opening frenzy for us! Luckily, Aiden doesn't know any better. I lazily got up and got dressed. Aiden was just finishing his dinner, sitting in his chair playing with his 'Thomas' phone. Once he was done, I got him all dressed up in his fancy Christmas sweater. He looked sooooo handsome!!! I knew it was going to be a quiet day, but still, I wanted him to wear a nice sweater. Ivan was home....he had already opened his gift...a computer gadget, for which the name escapes me. He digs it! At one point, we had the Disney Christmas Special on, and Donald Duck came on. Aiden was absolutely giddy with joy with that silly duck. I'm not used to him responding much to the tv. It was usually the Ipod or NOTHING. It was really cute.

Once we had Aiden all dressed, we headed upstairs with presents in hand. Goodness gracious! Karla looked soooo cute! First thing I saw was her sitting on the floor in her ruffley Christmas dress, playing with her new kitchen toy. So adorable!! Before we started opening gifts, we ate dinner. Sometimes leftovers are better! YUMMMMM! Then we moved into the living room. We had Aiden open his remaining presents. NOT EASY! He just wanted to play with his "Thomas the Train" phone and listen to Jingle Bells on Ivan's new computer thingy. He was dancing and singing along. Teehheeeee. We pretty much had to open his gifts for him. He got a truck with big Lego's in it, some clothes, a sea horse that plays music and the belly lights up. Still, his favorite is the phone. Silly Aiden! The rest of the evening was spent with family. Aiden just walked around, he spent most of our time in his Grandma's room playing with her curtains. Who needs gifts when you have curtains??? By the time it was 10:30pm, Aiden was exhausted. All that excitement!!! He went to bed pretty darned early! Thank Goodness, because we had another day without a nurse to look forward too.

So....that was our Christmas...it was quite perfect!! I enjoyed it more than I have in years. Something about a young child really brings out the joy of Christmas...no doubt about that. Now, in case you didn't know, I already posted a bunch of videos from Christmas Eve and Day in the last entry. Click on this link and you'll go right to it.
I hope you enjoyed reading about our Christmas. I know I will enjoy re-reading about it in the years to come. Today, I finally decided that we needed to start packing for Washington next week. I haven't been able to sleep lately, and I blame busy brain. So I wrote in my blog, we called the airlines and got info, and I started packing. So if I can't sleep NOW....then heck....I give up. My clock might just be so screwed up that it would be impossible to fall asleep when I wish I could. Anyhoo....I'm gonna try that thing called sleep right now!! Hope YOU had a Merry Christmas!!!! I am wishing Juan luck...he takes an exam tomorrow morning for his second certification!!!!
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