HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! Last night, after the clock struck midnight, I started to think about all that the year 2010 brought us. WOW...it was quite a year! I CAN'T believe it was a year ago that Aiden had his craniotomy and we spent 18 long and dreadful days in the hospital. That seems soooo long ago. That may be a GOOD thing, not something I'd like to remember. But once we got over that hump, we had several months to enjoy watching our Luv Muffin grow and change before our very eyes. And then came Aiden's jaw distraction. Although it was not pleasant, it was the best thing that has EVER happened to us, besides the birth of Aiden. The results not only changed Aiden's appearance miraculously, it allowed Aiden to reach more milestones he could not have reached other wise. I mean, just having Aiden stick out his tongue was HUGE!! I can't imagine what 2011 will bring. It's already going to start out with a bang with our trip to WA State!!!! Just 4 more days! I will definately kiss the ground when we finally land in Tacoma.

Our New Year's Eve was quiet, we spent it at home with the family. It was very nice! We enjoyed good home cooking and some adult beverages, hung out and chatted. Oh yeah, and we chased Aiden around....when he wasn't watching Juan's Ipod. Earlier in the day, Aiden's Developmental Therapist came by to do her 6 month evaluation. I haven't seen her in a while...I'm usually sleeping when she comes by. It bet it's been a month since she's seen him and she was quite impressed with his changes and developments. Somethings were not even on her evaluation list. I think his only delays are his speech, which is understandable. Funny thing is, I ALWAYS forget he doesn't talk, he knows how to communicate perfectly. She even brought Aiden a Christmas gift....finger puppets and a book. Aiden LOVES the finger puppets, and it'll be perfect for the plane ride! After Katie left, I took a shower and got all fancy, and after Aiden finished his dinner, I got HIM all fancy. What a handsome Luv Muffin! We headed upstairs for dinner. Juan made me a Cosmopolitan....my favorite adult beverage! It was a small, but perfect gathering! It was Juan, Aiden, Veronica, Chuck, Karla, Patti, Larry, Justin, Juan's parents, and Frank...oh....and ME! It was so laid back. Poor Aiden started to fade by 10pm. We were able to keep him up till 11pm, and that was tough! So, we went downstairs and Juan tried to hold him as he slept and ate, hoping that when midnight rolled around that we could sneak upstairs to join the group. But Aiden started fussing after his dinner was done. He wanted to be in BED! So we put him in bed and we got comfortable and waited for the countdown. It was kind of nice, we just all laid in our huge bed watching the New Year's Eve Special. My goodness, poor Dick Clark! All though it IS inspirational that he's still doing what he's done for soooo many years, but his health is declining so quickly. He can barely talk! It was so sweet when it turned midnight in New York. He got all verklempt and kissed his wife.

Anyhoo....soon the countdown began. Juan and I had our glass of champagne and cup of grapes in hand. When midnight struck, Juan gave me a huge kiss...then we both gently kissed the sleeping Luv Muffin. Then, with each grape, we made a New Year's wish. Then we talked about the past year. What a rough, but incredible year. Juan and I then took turns going upstairs to give everyone a hug and kiss. A perfect end to an amazing year.....and a perfect start for the new year! BRING IT ON!
Oh....I gotta tell ya a new thing Aiden does. The night before, there was a show on that Aiden didn't like, so I said "Thumbs DOWN!" and made the thumbs down sign. Then all of a sudden, AIDEN did it! He pointed his index finger down like it was his thumb. I did a double take, but he did it every time I said it. It was so doggone cute...teehee!
Today was uneventful. We slept in. Sandy, our nurse, worked today. When I finally woke up, we discussed the upcoming trip...as you know, she's coming along. We are SO friggin excited! After Sandy left, we made it upstairs for dinner. Luz came by with the cutest outfit for Aiden...a jogging suit. He is SO wearing that to the airport! Aiden is sleeping right now and I thought I'd sneak this update in. Mission accomplished! I hope everyone had a splendid New Year's!! Better go, Aiden is stirring! BYE!!
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