Thursday, February 3, 2011

Blizzard of 2011... Feb. 2, 2011

Hello all!  Sorry it's been so long, I really have no good excuses...I think I'll blame that phenomenon, "The Winter Blues."  I, also, can't believe I haven't written about our wonderful trip to WA to visit my family at the beginning of January.  I DID start writing about it...that counts, doesn't it? My sister told me NOT to let writing my blog entries turn into a chore or something that bogs me down.  So, I am trying to take her advice, but it does still bother me.  I don't want to miss anything, I want to remember it all and I want Aiden to read about his first flight....AND his first blizzard. Hence, the reason I write tonight! 

They weren't kidding when they said that this will be a record breaking for the books.  It was amazing...and scary!  It started the night before...more like late afternoon.  Wisely, Sandy (our nurse) left early.  It was starting to get nasty...QUICK!  By evening, we couldn't see the park acrossed the street!  The wind was howling, light were flickering, reports of thunder and lightening...and most scary of all...they closed down Lake Shore Drive and people were abandoning their cars!  People were stuck for five hours. We were safe....we didn't go ANYWHERE.  Just looking out the window gave me the heebie-jeebies.  We went to bed praying that our power didn't go out.  Thankfully, it didn't!! SHOULD say 2011...not 2010
The next day, we looked outside....holy SMOKES!  A winter wonderland, to say the least! Snow as far as the eye can see.  We basically told Sandy not to try to come in today.  And thankfully would not have happened.  It was tough on ME because as usual, I stayed up all night and then let Juan sleep till 9:30am so he could be rested.  That kinda bit me in the butt because I took my Benedryl to help me fall asleep and then Juan saw his sons having trouble shoveling and using the snow blower.  His mom was even out there....INSANE!  So, I took these pills and had no sleep and was so close to collapsing...until Juan said he had to go out and help.  AHHHHH!!!!!  I understood, but if I knew I'd have to stay up till 2pm, I would have NOT taken the benedryl and I would have tried harder to sleep a bit beforehand.  My goodness, I was never so tired...more like drugged.  I can't believe Aiden didn't notice that him mom was more like a zombie.  At least, he didn't let on that he noticed.  I survived...and Juan survived.  He told me how CRAZY it was out there.  Snow up to his waste.  He took pictures....amazing!  I can't complain about being tired while he was out there working up a sweat.  And thankfully, I was able to crash at 2pm.  I set my alarm for 9pm...but my eyes opened at 5:45pm  What the HECK?  I only got 3 and a 1/2 hours of sleep, but that's okay.  I don't understand the whole 'being tired but not being able to sleep' thing.  It just doesn't make sense to me!  I dragged myself out of bed and went to go see what my Luv Muffin and Stud Muffin were up to.

Aiden was in rare form all night (and this morning).  Very smiley!  Cuddly and smiley.  Take a look at the video below and you'll see what I'm talking about. I just spent the rest of the night playing with Aiden.  He's been putting EVERYTHING in his mouth.  He's also been practicing with cups...he wants to drink out of cup so badly!  We also know for sure that he breathes through his mouth.  Isn't that amazing? Well, I think I captured the Blizzard of 2011 to the best of my abilities....and I'll try to write about our WA trip (my brain hurts just thinking about that!) some day this year.

The video on the upper right hand side is of Aiden doing his 'rubbing his head behind his ear' trick...I finally realized he does that because it sounds exactly like 'Thomas the Train' as it choo-choos along the tracks.  First of all, when did he figure that out...and how?  And secondly, how did I actually catch on that he does that?  It's that mother/son connection, I guesss!

I can't end my entry without mentioning the sad news I heard about one of the families I have been corresponding with in Hungary....they lost their son.  I couldn't believe it.  I always wanted to help them somehow...I even talked to Dr. Patel about them, so when I heard the news, I was so heart broken.  He wasn't even a year old, it's so tragic.  I would mention names, but I'm not sure how they would feel about that.  But I hope they have strength to get through this tough time, and I hope they know that they gave him the best life they could.  Now he's at peace, in heaven, with the angels. 
That being said....I can't complain about the 'winter blues' or the blizzard.  Those are little things that mean nothing.  APPRECIATE LIFE!!! It can change in an instant...

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