Friday, August 20, 2010

Aiden's New Accomplishments... 8/19/2010

Today I pretty much didn't see Aiden till 6pm....I got my hair done!  It's a little bit shorter and a little bit redder.  I sure do feel purdy.  But Aiden made up for not seeing mama by remembering what I taught him yesterday...the sign for "mama".  I said..."Aiden...what's the sign for mama?"  and he bopped his mouth twice.  :-D  So cute!  It took so little to teach him...he's like a little sponge.  Aren't they all at this age!? Some of the signs  he knows now are "book," "more," "all done," "tired," "hungry" (actually that one he made up...he points to his g-button when he's hungry. teehee).  Some of the silly 'signs' he does is "out came the sun," (from Itsy Bitsy Spider), "Roll it," "Muscle Time!" (he flexes his muscles), everytime I say "bless you" to him, he points to himself, he waves his hand when I say "peeeyew!," he points in the air when Juan says "oy!"...which is "listen...hear that?" in Spanish, he does a drum roll on his belly when you say "BELLY BONGO!," does an impersonation of a choo choo train, kisses every stuffed animal or toy that he loves, and much much more.  That's stuff I want to remember years from now. Another thing I thing he finally mastered is standing without pulling himself up or cheating.  It is so funny cuz he spreads his legs so far apart and then he claps like he did something amazing.  He is so proud of himself!  He's done it before but I can count on one hand how many times I've seen it.  He would always seem to find a way to get to something to help himself up...but now he is confident he can do it the right way.  BRAVO!!  Melanie told me that yesterday, he stood at his little grand piano and she SWEARS that he practiced the two first notes of "Chops Sticks" for about a 1/2  hour, and he was trying like crazy to find the other notes.  A little prodigy?  Okay, I got carried away there, heehee.  But I bet if I tried hard enough, I could teach him a simple song...

Here's the toy that made Aiden
walk for the first time! May 1, 2010

My mom is babysitting my brother's boys, I sure do miss her.  It's weird having her in town, but not seeing her.  We'll have time together next week.  We were going to go to the zoo tomorrow, but we think it'll be too hot and muggy.  NO THANK YOU!  Nothing like the smell of ape doo doo on a hot, sticky summer day.  Today is  my sister, Lynette and Derek's Anniversary!  16 years...they were MADE for each other!!

Juan spent the day on the phone with some doctors.  He talked to Alma, Dr. Patel's nurse and an ENT specialist at Children's Memorial.  They will be able to take a look at Aiden's ear tubes and maybe replace them if necessary during his jaw distraction.  Might as well kill two birds with one stone.  Wow, I never realized how morbid that saying was till right this very moment!  I think I'll modify it to  'Might as well feed two birds with one bird feeder'.  MUCH BETTER!  

Well, Aiden's feeding is done, so I might as well take advantage and go to bed's only 3:30am!  Good Night and sweet dreams.  Feels weird not posting any I added some I found of Aiden when he first started walking.  The video is of his first time walking for than a few steps.

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