I wasn't gonna "blog" tonite, but I can't sleep. For a couple reasons. First reason is, after I put Aiden to sleep, we had to suction him...and I don't know if something was bugging him or he just got mad as HELL cuz he was crying like crazy. And that's not normal. So, I'm afraid if I DO fall asleep, I'll miss something. Second reason is, my brain is going a million miles a milli-second! (I don't think that made any sense, but it certainly got my point across, eh?)
For sometime, I've been having this tooth issue. I know, very interesting...very riveting, but I gotta set up my story. Ever since before Aiden was born, I've been having constant abscesses in one of my bottom teeth and after THREE root canals, I decided to do some research. 25 years ago, I had an chin implant placed...something I never would have disclosed before....but I'm BRAVE now. anyhoo...I noticed that it seemed that it was poking out along the gum line, right around that tooth, so I thought...hmmmmm....could THAT have anything to do with my tooth problem???? I went to an ENT specialist, and that was a HUGE waste of time. Not only did I wait in the waiting room for a friggin hour, he said..."uh....it's not infected, nothing I can do here." THANKS FOR NOTHING!!! But then...he suggested, hey...you should go BACK to UIC...that's where they did my implants and many other things long long ago. I was like...WOW! Why didn't I think of that before????
So, yesterday, I went for my first appointment. I went to the "implant" specialists at the Craniofacial center. It was Dr. Reiseburg...and little did I know, he was one of the people that worked on me many moons ago. Ofcourse he didn't remember me. We went over my history and then he took a look at me and thought I should come back and have the surgeon take a look at me. He agreed with me and found that it did look a little suspicious. He also suggested I have an official hearing test while I was there. As we were leaving, the receptionist said... "hey...can you come back tomorrow?" WOAH! Talk about speedy service! So, today, we came back to see Dr. Cohen, the surgeon...and the hearing specialist. Juan and my mom came along...becuz quite frankly, I can NEVER remember half the things they say when I'm in the patient's chair.
First, I had my hearing tested. No big whoop. But after the test, the lady started telling me that I had moderate hearing in one ear and moderate/severe hearing in the other. No surprise there. But she also starting telling me that I REALLY should go see an ENT specialist to see if there is anything medically they could fix (surgically) or to consider having a BAHA implant done. That's when they implant two screws into the skull and these two "microphones" snap in and it is hidden underneath the hair. WHAT?? I never heard such a thing! So, I'm gonna do alittle research and see if that's something that I would consider having done. Gotta weigh the pros and cons. Sounds awfully drastic, but it also sounds pretty friggin cool! I could actually wear my hair up without being self conscious!
Then I saw Dr. Cohen...the craniofacial surgeon. First he started talking to me about my "cleft soft palate"...or lack of. He said I should be re-evaluated becuz there may be options out there that could potentially 'fix' me! No more opterator???!!!! I dunno, I'm not gonna hang my hat on that one...I don't imagine they could really surgerically 'fix' me. But I suppose I could allow the experts decide that. Then regarding the implant, he took one look at my mouth and said..."yeah, that's not normal!" The implant IS slowly migrating outward into my gums. So I pretty much have to have it removed...or shaved back...or redone. WOW!! I would be so thrilled to have it redone. I know that it's me being self-conscious (again), but I would love to have a new and improved implant but in. I've never been 100% happy with the current one. So...yeah, I'm excited and VERY nervous. So much going thru my head!! Now I have to be scheduled for a 3-D ct scan...and nasal scope....and other tests to see what they have in store for me. Unbelievable! The doctors said it's time for a tune-up. And I say...there's no better time than age 40 for a tune-up! So many medical advancements have happened in the last THIRTY EIGHT years!!
So that's my story. It's more exciting to me than it probably was for you...but I had to share! Tomorrow Aiden is going for his soft BAHA hearing band fitting. That's pretty much a soft headband with two microphones that go behind the ears. He's too young and his skull is too thin for the 'implant' I talked about earlier. I'm nervous about that cuz he's too young for us to explain to him what's going on. He'll be terrified!! But maybe he'll grow to like it after the trauma is over...

After dinner, we took Aiden out to the backyard on his slide and swing. I took the cutest video of Aiden doing "MUSCLE TIME" for gramma. (see the video below...)
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