Well, today was BAHA Hearing Band day...something I was kind of dreading, but really...it went as well as expected. When we arrived, me barely able to get out of bed, we waited for just a little...then we were called into our audiologists office. I was so afraid Aiden would be forced to put on this "torture device" (at least in HIS eyes) to calibrate it...but that didn't happen. The audiologist oriented us to Aiden's new BAHA Soft Hearing Band, which is pretty much a soft headband with a hearing aid...a quite sophisticated hearing aid, that snaps on to it. She ran through how to use it and how it works....and how she used Aiden's ABT hearing test that he had done at 5 months old...that's a test that measures brain wave activity instead behavioral responses to sound. So, we didn't have to torture Aiden after all! Sure, we tried to trick him into putting it on, but as you can imagine...that didn't work out very well. He basically told us to back off! So we did. He didn't leave empty handed, though. We left with the BAHA hearing band, and Aiden left with a brand new stuffed puppy dog. That, I must say, made all of this worth it. The audiologist reminded us to take our time with Aiden, that there was NO pressure to get him to wear and accept this device. It shouldn't be a source of trauma for the Luv Muffin. I think that made all of us feel better...especially Aiden!

Of course when we got home, Aiden was already sleeping, he fell asleep in the car on the way home...so I took the opportunity to take a nap. It was hard to do knowing that my mom is leaving on Friday. But if I get any more sleep deprived, it wont do anyone any good. I slept till around 5:45pm...I think I got 2 hours of sleep, which really did help! Aiden just got done with dinner and my mom had him on her lap in front of the computer playing some Sesame Street games. He sure does loves that!

Suddenly I had this thought. Maybe if Aiden saw MAMA wearing this headband thingy, he would say, "HEY! Let me try that!" So I put it on...and was I in for a huge surprise. When I took out both of my digital hearing aids...I couldn't believe my ears. It was AMAZING. I could hear every word, every sound. This device works by sending vibrations throughout the skull into the part of the ear that processes sound. It made me truly appreciate the magnitude of what this small device could do for Aiden and made me more motivated to keep getting Aiden "interested" in giving it a try. I know that once Aiden has his jaw distraction surgery in two weeks, he'll be even more afraid of it...but like I said before, we must be patient and do all we can to make it a smooth process. Soon he'll grow to love it!

The rest of our day and evening was pretty uneventful. We ate dinner and just played with Aiden. I think we are all worn out! We have a feeling that Aiden is getting some more teeth in...he's been getting a lot more secretions. He started rubbing his mouth, too...so that was a dead give away. Thank GOD, cuz we were starting to fear that he was catching a cold...which CAN NOT HAPPEN or his surgery will be cancelled. We did get a visit from Juan's sister, Veronica and her baby daughter, Karla. She showed us all of these adorable dresses she brought for Karla. My mom had a chance to hold her. Aiden just finished is midnite meal. We hope to make it to the zoo tomorrow, that is if I ever wake up! Good nite!
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