Well, I guess I'll be doing Mr. Sandman's laundry, dishes, and painting his house....I promised I would if he would let Aiden sleep passed 5:45am. He most certainly did! He didn't wake up till 7am. My pleas were heard! I don't think he even wanted to get up then. He probably just heard all the commotion...with the puppy barking and so on. We brought sleepy head out to nurse Sandy...he was kind of crabby. Kind of like I am every morning. It looked like he wanted to back to sleep, but my sources tell me he didn't go down again till 9:30am I, myself, was soooo ready to sleep. I crawled under my covers and I was asleep before my head hit the pillow. (after I chatted with a couple friends on Facebook...heehee)

Unfortunately, my busy brain would not allow me to sleep passed 1pm...only 5 and 1/2 hours of sleep. I kept thinking about Aiden, thinking about Pixie, thinking about how I have to call my bank because those a-holes keep charging me an overdraft fee for going over my balance a whole $6. So I got up and made that call. I ended up cancelling my account and I think I'm getting some of the fees reversed. Banks are thieves!! THIEVES!!! So, needless to say,
I was now the crabby one. But it didn't last long. I went out in the living room and I saw Aiden calmly laying in Juan's arms watching....take a guess....correct! 'Thomas the Train!' Then Sandy signaled that they just did the pin turning...and he didn't fuss a BIT!!! Oh,
Glorious DAY! I was once again tempted to do my happy dance, but I didn't want to frighten the Luv Muffin. Not only did he not fuss or cry...but he fell asleep pretty quickly. This absolutely proves that most of his fussing and crying is all about frustration. Deeeeep sigh of relief! Today was day 11. And his transformation already blows my mind. I'm always catching myself trying to remember what Aiden used to look like...thinking of how different he looks. He uses so much more of his voice, too. It's just soooo exciting!

The rest of the day was very uneventful. Aiden took a nap till 7pm and woke up rudely because he had very thick secretions that he couldn't breath through. That's NEVER a good way to wake up. I'm sure he would have coughed it out soon enough, but I didn't want to wait that long. I brought him out and suctioned him and held him till he woke up. Once again, he was mad. I would be, too. Finally, I broke out the trusted IPOD and put on 'Thomas'. He can't stay mad with 'Thomas'! I know..I know...I'm being an enabler. But he would get it else where! I'd rather he get his fix here... safe at home, with me and Dad. You would do the same thing if you were in my shoes.
The cutest thing tonight was, Juan found this sort of Italian Mambo music on ITunes...that's NOT the official term, mind you...and Aiden was captivated...and moved. He was cutting the rug, gettin' jiggy with it, rockin' the house, laying down the moves....that boy can dance! heehee. I tried to get it on video...but I think I only got half a jiggy. I think he's been practicing alone in front of the mirror and waited for the perfect time to break it out. He's also been practicing his 'standing with one leg first' technique instead of the primitive 'spreading the legs and pushing himself up' technique. I love how he practices. Over...and over...and over! He almost had it! ( I DID catch THAT on video!)

Soon it was time for bed. He got him dressed in his favorite Banana Head pajamas and did his pin sight care. Now it's a breeze. But let me tell you...he did NOT want to go to sleep. So we watched 'Thomas', did some bouncing, did some belly laughing...and two hours later, he finally passed out in my arms. I'm hoping that means he'll sleep in again...but I can never be too sure. He did stand up once already pretty quickly after we laid him down. He's eating right now. I have a few appointments at UIC for some tests tomorrow early afternoon. Ones that Aiden will surely have to go through. I'll know exactly how he feels! So, I'm going to attempt to shut my eyes after I give Aiden his dose of Tylenol at 4am. We'll see how
that goes. Please Mr. Sandman!!! Good Night everybody!! Everyone cross their fingers that Aiden's pin turning goes just as well tomorrow as it did today!
I think the pictures below are the best comparisons, yet! You can REALLY see the progress!! I also uploaded some video...I thought they were too cute not to share.....
September 20, 2010 |
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