Time is just FLYING by!!! I can't believe Aiden's jaw distraction was 18 days ago. Today was day 17 of Aiden's pin turning...11 more days left! How much more can he change?! It's so very exciting. I've been waiting at the edge of my seat waiting to see his tongue make an appearance. For those who don't know, we are not sure if we've EVER seen Aiden's tongue...and if we did, it was before he had any bottom teeth. His jaw was so small, there was no room for his poor little tongue...that's is the main reason he has a trache. Seeing his tongue was be monumental...it was mean that his airway was no longer being blocked. Of course, his trache will still remain in place til all of the craniofacial surgeries are complete...it is just much more safe to have it than not...it's a secure airway and there may always be swelling with future surgeries.
Another night of Aiden sleeping till the nurse arrived. Today was nurse Sandy...oh how I missed her. I always do by the time Sunday rolls around. When Sandy saw Aiden, she was astonished at how different he looked. Aiden was a little dazed and confused because he woke up so early after not going to bed til 2am. Such a party animal....ughhhhh. I sat with him for a while as Sandy got a few things together and got his breakfast set up. Then I went to bed. By the time I fell asleep, it was 8am.
My alarm went off around 3pm...I did NOT want to get out of bed. But I had to at some point. By the time I made it out to the living room...it was dark and quiet and Aiden was sleeping. Juan told be that today they turned Aiden's pins while he was awake...that's a first! I guess his reaction wasn't much different than when the pins are turned while he's asleep. A little fussing and then with the help of 'Thomas the Train', he's a happy camper. I ate some left over pizza and just relaxed. Yep...I was feeling lazy!

I wasn't till about 6pm that Aiden woke up. I love it when he first wakes up...he's so happy to see me and Juan. I sat with him on the couch for a while and sang to him...chatted a bit about his day. After he finally fully woke up, he was ready to play. His energy slowly returned. At one point, we made it upstairs to visit with Patty, Michelle, Veronica and her daughter, Karla. Murphy, the puppy, was running amok...and so was Aiden. He showed off his new sign that papa taught him...he points his two pointer fingers together, and that's the sign for IPOD. How cute is that!? Soon it was time for Aiden's late dinner. He watch a little 'Thomas' on the portable DVD player while I got things together. By the time I was finished...so was he. It was time for more playing. Aiden once again blew me away. Yesterday for the first time, I was singing along with a toy of his..."POP! Goes the Weasel!" and I would clap when it said 'POP!'. That was the only time I ever did that. Then tonight, there was another toy that started playing that song...without lyrics and without me singing along, he clapped right at the part that would say "POP!" At first I thought it was coincidental...but he did it again and again. Dear Lord...I think he has a photographic memory. I know, I know...children at this age are like sponges...but still...it always catches me by surprise.

Soon it was time for Aiden's bath. WOOHOO!!! Everything went well....his pins are looking great. I was really hoping he would fall asleep fairly easily...but NOOOOOO! It took us about 2 hours. He fell asleep around 12:30am. Man oh man! Our methods have been failing us!! Right now I have a bit of a headache, so I'm very proud of myself for writing this entry. Aint no headache going to get in the way. Nooo SIR! Tomorrow is Juan's first class for his A+ Certification. We are all very excited! Sandy wont be getting here till 10am...should be interesting how tomorrow morning goes. I wont be able to sleep till 9:30a or 10a. Juan's class is in the evening...6p (leaving at 5:15p) until 10:30pm, so we wanted Sandy to come in a little later and leave at 8pm...just to shave off some of the alone time. I know I could handle it...but 5 or 6 hours is a long time to be 'on' every second for three nites in a row. It's hard to explain. It's only a three week class...so that's good. Well...maybe I can catch a mini nap. Just laying in bed not thinking would be good. NIGHT NIGHT!!!!!!

The left picture was taken September 8, 2010...the right picture was taken September 26, 2010
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