Very strange day, indeed. Today was the first day of Juan's A+ Certification classes, it's the start of a new and exciting chapter in our if this jaw distraction Aiden is going through isn't exciting enough! His classes start at 6pm and it goes until we had our nurse shift her schedule to 10a to 8pm instead of 7a to 5p. This morning was especially goofy because Juan had to drive his poor mom to the Orthopedic Physician for a follow up visit for her broken leg. I didn't mind at all, but that meant I couldn't go to bed until he got home. So, this morning we kept Aiden in his crib sleeping instead of bringing him out to the living room into his play pen crib. Thankfully he stayed asleep till almost 10am!! I think he would do that more often if we didn't have to move him at 7am. We fed him and everything as he slept. It wasn't so bad...I wasn't even really tired....I was more tired around 2am, but after that, I was fine. Sandy, Aiden's nurse arrived at 10am...but by that time, I was in the process of falling asleep. I set my alarm for 6pm...that was my goal.
I made myself some dinner and joined Sandy and Aiden out in the living room. Juan had already left for his class. He was quite nervous and excited. I told him he's going to do JUST fine. Technology and computers is his forte. This will just make him MORE computer savvy. As I ate, Aiden did his thang. Oh my goodness...he looked sooooo different. I noticed that there is a space between his trache/filter and his neck/chin that had NEVER existed before. We used to have to push up his 'neck fat' (for the lack of a better word) to put on his filter (HME) or we would pinch him. NOT ANY MORE!!! So exciting!! I didn't expect that at all. It was so nice to have Sandy here till 8pm. It was good company and I was also able to do my usual routine I do every night...Aiden's water, getting things prepped for the next day. Hopefully I will be able to wake up a little earlier tomorrow so maybe...JUST maybe...we can take a nice Fall walk. I haven't gone for a walk for a LONG time. I've become a hermit.
We got Aiden ready for bed around 10:30pm and I was CERTAIN he would go down easily. Noooo way! Lots of rolling around, bouncing and 'Thomas'. It wasn't until 1am till he finally knocked out. LORD HAVE MERCY! I even fell asleep for a few seconds trying to get him to sleep. Even now, if I were to close my eyes, I would totally drift off to la-la land. Oh...I gotta share another sign that Aiden knows. For some reason I started to point to his diaper and say 'pee pee!' now, if we say 'pee pee!', he points to his diaper. I think he now does it when he goes pee pee, too. HEEHEE! Are we terrible, or what!? It's so friggin' cute! Anyhoo....check out the amazing before and after photos...everyday is more amazing than the last. 10 more days, I can't imagine the end result. It has already turned out better than I ever expected. Dr Patel is a God-send!!!!!!! Well, good night everyone! I'm jealous of all of you who are sleeping right now. No..I'm not whining, Aiden is worth every bit of my sleep deprivation!!!

The pictures on the left were taken Sept 8, 2010 and the pictures on the right were taken Sept 27, 2010
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