Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day 19....One Word...WOW!!!!!! September 28, 2010


I must start by saying... I HAVE A RAGING HEADACHE!!!  Okay, I got that out of the way.  I popped some Excedrin...I hope that helps.  I may not write as much though...but that's ok, today wasn't all that exciting...other than how amazing Aiden looks and all the new things he's been doing.  He DID wake up at 6:30am, which isn't that bad...except he didn't fall asleep the night before till 1am.  Silly Aiden!  I made him happy with some Thomas, and I'm sure he enjoyed having Mom and Dad there taking care of him until Sandy, his nurse, came at 10am.  He was in a fine mood...making me want to stay up and giggle with him longer than I had to. 9am, I was asleep.  I woke up around 4pm with the thought of MAYBE going outside for a walk for the first time in weeks.  That was my motivation.  I said hi to Aiden...and WHOA!  I can't believe how different he looked...and it was only another day of pin turning.  Maybe some more swelling went down as well...I can't figure it out.  He was also opening his mouth A LOT!!!  While he walked...while he smiled...just any ol' time.  It probably feels good to be able to open his mouth a little more.  He is still not able to open his mouth much, but it is opening a bit more than before.  I hopped in the shower all excited that we might actually step out of the house for a walk...but by the time I was ready...I walked out into the living room...and low and behold...Aiden was curled up on Sandy's lap snoring away.  GROWL!!!!  No, I wasn't mad...he must have been tired, he needed to sleep.  But tomorrow, that is our ultimate goal.  

Juan was already gone for class and Sandy & I just hung out as Aiden slept.  I did call my's been so long!!  She can't believe Aiden's transformation, either!  Aiden woke up around was only an hour nap.  He woke up all smiley.  I watched him play and run around while I ate dinner on the couch.  Of course he wanted to see what I was eating...but I didn't fall for it.  The last time I had ended up on the floor.  No way, Aiden!! NOT THIS TIME!  Sandy left at 8pm and I fed the hungry Luv Muffin.  I read to him and let him watch some  'Blues Clues'.  He likes it, but not nearly as much as 'Thomas'.  I shot a video of him at this time because I wanted to show everyone how he was opening his mouth and how good he was looking.  It's at the end of my's short, but sweet.  Juan got home around 10:15pm and Aiden was swept away for a bath right away.  As we were getting him ready for bed, as he was laying on the bed, that's when he REALLY opened his mouth...I even got some pictures. We were hoping that his late nap wouldn't prevent him from falling asleep easily...but...nope....he wanted to stay up and hang with him Mom and Dad for a while.  I even had time to call my mom as he watched 'Thomas'.  It was funny cuz without prompting, Aiden made the sign for Mom and Dad over and over.  I guess he wanted to show off!!!!  He did NOT want to fall asleep...and poor Juan..all he wanted to do is start reading in two chapters that he was assigned.  THAT didn't happen.  Eventually, Aiden passed out at 1am.  It's starting to be a pattern.  OY!  Well...That was my quick recount of the day.  Like I said...not very exciting.  Actually, my pictures are more exciting than our actual day. 


Good night...and I hope this God forsaken headache goes away. I think it's allergies.  Oh, who knows.  No matter what the cause, it's still a headache.  Come on, your thing!!!

The pictures on the left were taken  on or before Sept 8...the pictures on the right were taken Sept 28, 2010



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