Aiden didn't wake up too early this morning...probably around 7:30am...that was a relief because Sandy, Aiden's nurse, wasn't due to arrive until 10am. Once he woke up, I let him play in his crib a bit...he is kind of like his mom...he likes to chill in bed for a little bit before tackling the day. Once he got bored with his Jungle Music Box Thingy, he wanted out. So I brought him out into the living room where Papa was...already trying to do some of his reading for his class later that night. Aiden was really not ready to be up. He did a lot of leaning on me as he sat on my lap watching 'Thomas the Train' while dad got his breakfast prepped. Nothin' like vanilla PediaSure to jump start your day! WOOHOO!!! Soon, Aiden started to perk up. Just in time to be strapped into his high chair. I played with him a little bit and then snuck off to my little cubbie hole to get some much needed sleep.

I swear I set my alarm this morning for 3:30pm. Luckily I woke up at 4:30pm, it could have been a lot later! I had one goal in get outside to enjoy one of the few beautiful days we may have left until the dreaded Winter weather sneaks up on us. Okay... I'm being a tad dramatic... it won't here be THAT soon. Anyhoo, I took a shower after I threatened Aiden NOT to fall asleep on us. Thankfully, when I came out of the bathroom, he was still awake. Tired, but awake. He only had a nap maybe from noon to 1:30pm. We put Aiden's shoes on and brought a little jacket, strapped him into his nifty jogger stroller and headed outside into the lovely evening air. It was absolutely perfect. The sun was going down slightly. I was amazed at how many people were out in the park...lots of ball games going on. And a whole bunch of people at the playground. I wasn't the only one that had this idea! Sandy and I took Aiden on an easy paced stroll around the park. As we chit-chatted, Aiden started chiming in. He had LOTS to say!!!! Once we got close to the playground, we scanned for any open swings...they were ALL taken. We spotted this one really cool tree and I had this idea. Lets take some current & cheesy Mom & Son pics! GOOD TIMES! Some of them were really funny. TALK ABOUT CHEESY!!! But I must admit, some of them turned out to be quite adorable, with the help of Aiden! :-D Then we found a bench to sit on so that Aiden could watch the kids run around. That only lasted about 5 minutes. Once he started getting fussy, we decided it was time to head home. It was getting dark, anyways. It was only 7pm, too! A sure sign that summer has faded.

Once we got into the house, the playing resumed. While Sandy was still there, I ate a quick dinner and finished up my chores. By the time Sandy left, Aiden was eating his late dinner. I played with Aiden and we watched some 'Thomas'. Of course I tried to get some good pictures for my blog. I couldn't quite get the right profile for my side by side comparison, but there is one that will work. After dinner, we played for like a 1/2 hour, but then it became very evident that Aiden was getting VERY sleeeeepy. He hasn't slept since 1:30pm, after all. I decided that since Juan was still at class and wasn't due to get home until 10:30pm or so, that I would give the ole' pin care thing a try. I did pretty well! I always let Juan do it because he's gentle, yet strong, because Aiden is quite the squirmy worm when he wants to be. With some struggling and some distractions, I did all of his pin care and got him all ready for bed. I really wish those steri-strips would come off (that tape on the sides of his face) side is starting to old blood. Sorry to gross you out. It's just, I smelled it ALL night! They should have come off a week or so ago. There are no stitches or anything underneath. We'll just have to start really using soap and scrubbing in those areas. Our nurse re-read our post op instructions and they said we could have used soap 2 weeks after surgery. OOPS! We will now. Where was I...oh yeah...I got Aiden all ready for bed, and he wasn't in my arms for 2 seconds before he completely fell asleep!!! Wow...he WAS tired!!! I'm so glad I got him totally ready...apnea monitor and all. As I held him, Juan walked in an hour early. He was THRILLED that Aiden was already all he had to do was lower his crib door and get some of the equipment in the room and that was it! It was only 9:45pm!!! Sure, we may get an early riser this morning...but that's okay. Maybe his schedule will slowly go back to normal. Him falling asleep at 2am was GETTING OLD very quick!

I stayed in the room while Juan ate and did some 'homework'. At one point, Aiden did wake up crying with a lot of secretions. He didn't seem himself. Then I was his first day with absolutely NO I gave him a dose. He did so well today without the Motrin...they even did the pin turning without it! It was a daring move, but it worked out just fine. After some suctioning and some pampering, Aiden finally fell back to sleep...thank the LORD! I was afraid he'd wake up and stay up till 2am. Aiden looks absolutely amazing today!!! One more week left of pin turning. Tomorrow, Aiden's nurse, Chrissy, arrives at 7am. That will be good so I can go to sleep earlier and wake up earlier. There is some shopping we need to do. Well, it took some doing...I found some motivation under the bed and I actually updated my blog. I had some doubts that I would do it, but I did! I gotta give myself an 'atta girl!' Hope you enjoyed it. Of course I know you enjoyed the pictures...and the short movie below... That's always the best part...
The pictures on the left are from Sept. 8, 2010 and the pictures on the right are from Sept 29, 2010...
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