OY!!! I'm just starting to write on my blog at 4:50am...am I insane??? I'm just not feeling that motivation. I think I'm just tired. I DID take a little nap at 1am...maybe for like a 1/2 hour...but then Aiden sat up crying. It's like he knows I tried to nap! I just had to lay him back down to soothe. I gave him some Motrin, because at night, I think any pain is more noticeable without the distractions of life going on around him. I don't know if he's in pain, but he can't really tell me one way or the other. Oh boy...Aiden is stirring...let me see whats going on...I'll be back.

All is well! He's just so restless tonight. I'm sure his late nap did not help. Today was Chrissy's (Aiden's new nurse) first full day. Aiden woke up at 6am loaded with energy. Well considering that the night before he went to bed at 9:45pm and slept all the way through...I can see why! He played in his crib, he watched 'Thomas' with me in the bed...he climbed all over his sleeping Papa...a good time was had by all. Maybe not Papa, who was trying to sleep. Once Chrissy arrived, we brought Aiden out into the living room. Aiden was shy at first. It's been a week since he's seen Chrissy first her first half shift. But Aiden QUICKLY warmed up to her. That's a wonderful thing!!! That allowed me to go to bed after we went over things with Chrissy. I had faith that Aiden would be happy.

I slept till about 4:15pm...a bit later than I hoped. I took a super quick shower and headed out to the living room. Chrissy had this look of dread on her face. Aiden had a good day...but after his lunch, he threw up. If that wasn't bad enough, Aiden's DVD player was right in front of him. I guess she knocked on my door, but I didn't hear a thing! I told her that it was BOUND to happen sooner or later...he some times doesn't give a warning before he throws up. We are going to let the DVD player air out a few days and then turn it on to see if it works. Fingers crossed! Otherwise, Aiden and her got along wonderfully! That's all that really matters. Poor Luv Muffin's nap schedule was off again. He seemed very tired. And for the first time, Juan didn't have a chance to turn his pins. That meant...it was time for me to step up to the plate. I knew it would happen some time. So we played the waiting game...hoping that Aiden would fall asleep at some point. Chrissy left at around 5:30pm and Aiden was done with dinner. We played for a bit and I ate dinner. Then Juan took Aiden upstairs to visit while I did some chores. After a while...around 7pm, Juan called down to me telling me to come up with the screw driver. I did....with dread. Juan sat on his mom's bed with the sleeping Luv Muffin. I held the pins...and all the while Murphy, our puppy, was using my toes as a toy. It was so weird holding the pins...as Juan turned the screw driver, I really had to use some force to keep the pins still...and I could hear and feel the clicking as it turned. Aiden did get upset...but I didn't focus on that. Maybe it was good that Murphy was using my toe as a pin cushion...it was like a distraction! It was done in a flash. Aiden fell back to sleep INSTANTLY. HUGE SIGH OF RELIEF!!! I was quite proud of myself...I felt a little less useless and a lot less wimpy. It only took me 20 days to pitch in...heehee. Afterwards, we all went back downstairs and I finished where I left off. I did laundry, dishes, got Aiden's stuff ready for bath time. Aiden fell alseep with papa on the couch. I knew we were in trouble later that night, the late night nap was going to bite us in the booty!

At around 8:30pm, Aiden finally woke up. It was straight to the high chair for him. Dinner time! I couldn't believe, once again, how much difference one pin turning session could make. Aiden looks like another boy!!! It's mind boggling. I wonder how many more days the pins will turn. We either have 7 more days...or until the pins stop turning. This month is flying by!! Actually, I can't believe tomorrow is the first day of October. (today, actually...) I gotta start thinking of a Halloween costume for Aiden! I'm leaning toward a puppy...or a cow. Something cute. The rest of the night was lovely. Play play play! I just kept staring at Aiden in amazement. 10:30pm quickly approached and it was time for Aiden's bath. I always get the equipment and suction machine into the bedroom and I straighten the living room while Juan gives Aiden his bath. Once again, I'm such a shorty, and Juan is big and strong...he can control the squirmy worm much better than I can. His pin care and everything went well...and we tried our best to get Aiden to fall asleep. Just as we thought, it took almost 2 hours of rolling around in the bed, playing with his pillow, watching 'Thomas' for him to fall asleep. At least we were prepared mentally. By the time he DID fall asleep, Juan and I were BOTH exhausted. Luckily, Juan fell asleep right away. He had a long day...and he has to get up at 6:30am to prepare his boys' lunch and feed Murphy before he takes out all of Aiden's equipment into the living room. It's like a well oiled machine. We all have our jobs...and if one thing gets out of line...things go all wacky. Well that was our day. I LOVE the pictures I took of Aiden...they REALLY show the progress. How much more can he change???!?!? Good night everyone...more like GOOD MORNING! It's officially October! LOVE OCTOBER! (reminds me so much of my father...I miss him soooo).

Check out the pictures below and the short video of Aiden. I did catch him dancing a little...
The photos on the left are from Sept 8, 2010 & the photos on the right are from Sept 30, 2010...
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