This was one of those days that when it was all over, I just deflated like a balloon. started great...Aiden woke up at 6am for his morning 'Thomas the Train' viewing and he was a HOOT! I must say...he was the most excited and enthralled as ever. He was even talking to Thomas. Not like "ohhhh....don't go down there!" kind of talking, but he had lots to say! We may have a screen talker on our hands, we'll see. Melanie, our nurse, got here at 7am and she was so excited to see had been two weeks. Not only did the changes brought on by the jaw distraction amaze her, but his over all size! It's more noticeable when you don't see him every day. I knew that I had to get up at 1-ish and that's very early for me, so I went to bed immediately.
I woke up in kind of a blah mood...I think it was left over from last night. I still felt so bad about Aiden's crying as he had his pins cleaned. I can STILL hear that cry. Maybe it was worse because his voice is coming out louder and clearer. Even Melanie thinks so. She said she heard 'voices and sounds' coming outta him that she has never heard before. It makes a cry sound more pathetic. (Aiden was a 'silent' crier because when you have a trache, air doesn't pass the vocal chords....maybe a peep here and there with some major effort). I forced myself out of bed, had a yogurt, and got ready some what quickly, then Juan and I headed out to visit a government office to ask questions and get answers. That was quite worthless. When we came home, Aiden was JUST falling asleep for his nap...pretty late, I might add. Juan waited till he was sound asleep and he turned the pins. He was done before I ever knew it. Aiden did not take it well. I don't know if he was angry to be woken up or if he was in pain. I think it was a little bit of both. Then Juan had to help his brother, Frank take their mom to the ER. She fell down the stairs yesterday and her leg was all swollen. I think that upset Aiden even more. Usually Juan is there to comfort him. I tried, but since it was the first time he saw me that day, I think he woke up more and felt even more irritated. I stepped away for a bit because Melanie usually has good luck getting Aiden to settle down and fall asleep. NOT this time!!! I even tried to hunt down 'Thomas the Train' on the computer because it being on the big TV just wasn't cutting it. I had no luck...I think I was just flustered and my heart was breaking hearing him fuss and cry. Once again I automatically think it's because of pain. I decided to give it another try and I took him in my arms and did the knee bends...and miraculously, that calmed him down. The most aggravating part was...for TWO hours, every time we thought we had him asleep...the dog would bark, he would need a suction, someone would come in the house loudly, did I mention the dog would bark?, the phone would ring. I was exhausted with sweat dripping down my face...(I then realized that I'm sooooo out of shape!) I was at my wits end. Finally, I decided to lay him down in his play pen...and what does he do??? Turns over and applauds with a big smile on his face!!! UNBELIEVABLE!!! He was done trying and pretty happy about it. I would have been upset if I wasn't so darned glad that he was happy and ready to play. It also made me realize that it wasn't so much pain that upset him...but anger, tiredness and frustration. WHEWWWWW! Lord have MERCY! Poor Melanie was exhausted, too. We both didn't know what to do. We didn't care anymore, Aiden was up and ready to conquer his toys!
While Melanie got Aiden set up and eating with Thomas the Train playing on the big screen, I got myself something to eat. Her shift ended at 7pm. I also got a call from Juan who was still in the ER. The doctors did believe she had a fracture of the leg, but couldn't see it because her bones were so 'fragile'. I'm trying to think of the right word....the opposite of know what I mean. So she was set up with a walking cast and a walker. They finally got home at around 8:30pm. Nothing like a 4 and a 1/2 hour ER visit....ughhhh. I'm so glad she agreed to get it checked out's nothing to mess around with at her age. Once Juan got home and Aiden was finished eating, Juan took him upstairs while I got things in order. Everything was in such disarray! Aiden had us all discombobulated!! After some play and some puppy time, it was time for Aiden's bath. I was NOT looking forward to the dreaded pin sight care. Aiden loved his always, and then he surprised us with his somewhat calm state during his care. Wassup with that??????? Once again, it proves that it is more fear and anger that gets him all worked up. We DID notice that one side was a little red and inflamed. We are going to call the doctor to see if we should be concerned and to find out what to do. My goodness, that Luv Muffin fell asleep immediately!!! No need for 'Thomas the Train' tonite! He was beyond tired!!! Maybe that's the secret...get him too tired to fuss. teehee :-)
Anyways...I am soooo glad this day is over!!! It was pretty stressful, but once all is said and done, Aiden is doing great! His profile is changing before our very eyes. All day I kept looking at him in awe. Well, it's time for Aiden's dose of Tylenol...I better hop on it! Good Night! and of course check out the side by side pictures!!
September 17, 2010 |
September 8, 2010 |
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