Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day Four of Aiden's Pin Turning... Sept 13, 2010

Well, today was the forth day of Aiden's pin turning, and today is a big deal cuz we now go from 1 turn each side to 2 turns each side.  That equals 1mm.  It's not much, but I think that why Aiden is tolerating it so well...so far!  And after 14 days...or maybe 21 days, that's a LOT!

Aiden slept VERY well last night...he woke up this morning around 5:50am, which I pretty much expected because he went to bed so early.  I was JUST about to lay down to maybe take a nap when he stood up and pretty much asked if I would turn on his 'Jungle Music Thingy' that's strapped to the side of the bed.  We turn it off because he always accidentally turns it on in the middle of the night.  He pretty much stayed in his crib till almost 7am playing.  I introduced my Panda Bear that I got in Door County MANY years ago from the Trolley (in Fish Creek)...he is very fond of Panda Bear!  There is no inkling that Aiden was in any pain, he was his happy-go-lucky self!  When Sandy came at 7am, we gave her the 'report' and chatted a little, I told her all the new things he does and then I headed straight to bed.  I knew I had to get up sort of early (MY early).

I slept like a ROCK!  My alarm went off at 2pm...I did my usual routine and hopped into the shower. When I got out to the living room,  Linda (the Nurse Manager) had just arrived for her post-op visit.  I first found out how Aiden's first 'two turn' pin turning went, and Juan assured me that he only fussed a little bit more than before.  I guess I'm not surprised.  He still didn't cry and he fell right back to sleep.  I still don't see a noticeable difference, but if you think about how small 2 and a 1/2 mm, it's no shock.  I think now is when the change will begin to show.  I hope Aiden continues to handle it as well as he has!! Our visit with Linda was lovely, as always!  Aiden was still sleeping in Juan's arms when she first arrived...I guess he refused to go into his 'crib' for his nap...he wanted papa!  I was kind of concerned that Aiden was hurting because he became VERY fussy in Juan's arms...but as he woke up, the smiles started coming. I think we are all just paranoid that when Aiden fusses, we assume he's in pain. Aiden was shy around Linda at first, but as the visit continued, the Luv Muffin warmed up to her.  By the END of the visit, he was smiling and showing off....that little ham!  We discussed everything about the surgery and post-op care...and Aiden's upcoming plans regarding surgeries and what not.  We always enjoy her visits. Nurse Sandy and Linda ended up leaving at the same time...around 5pm

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful.  FUN, but uneventful.  It was strange...as I was eating....I started having an Opthalmic Migraine, which is a weird, almost prism-looking shape that goes over the field of vision in  one eye...I only had it once before when I was three months pregnant. (don't worry Mom...I'M NOT pregnant!!!!!!)  Afraid it was the beginning of a full blown migraine, I popped a couple of Excedrin.  The squiggly thing in my eye went away pretty quickly...and no debilitating headache. WHEW!  Last time THAT happened was in High School.  Anyways, rest of the night pretty much consisted of eating and playing with Aiden.  He always cracks me up.  One thing he absolutely loves is when I lay on the ground and he plays with my hair.  It always brings a huge smile to his face!  Sometimes it's a little painful, though.  Teehee...anything for the Luv Muffin!  One of the toys he was into was his 'See and Say' farm toy.  I bring this up because Aiden shocked me when he pointed out the picture of the cat out of no where after it got done singing "Old McDonald Had a Farm" with the cat as the animal.  He's never done that before!  I asked him again later and he pointed it out again...I also asked him to point out the cow...and he did!  I suppose it's a bigger deal for me....but it's just so much fun watching Aiden learn and grow.  I want to remember every bit of it!!! 


Check out the hair on that Luv Muffin
Ivan brought Murphy, the puppy down, for some romping and playing.  Aiden is so funny around Murphy!  He always puts his hand out as though he wants to pet him...yet shrinks away when Murphy is offered for petting.  And for some reason, Murphy is drawn to Aiden!  We are a little afraid to let Murphy too close because he's in that 'chew everything including flesh' phase.  I don't want to traumatize him right off the bat!  After Aiden ate, he was so tired.  No throwing up today!  WOOHOO!  We gave him a bath and did his care.  Less care this time...and less crying, too.  The pin sights are looking beautiful.  No infections, that's the most important thing!  I don't understand how this happened, but Aiden's hair is so unbelievably curly!!!  I know we switched shampoos, but COME ON!  It's insane!  Once Aiden was all ready....I tried to put him to sleep, but failed miserably.  I always think I'm close....but then he flings himself on our bed ready for a pillow fight.  I guess Mama is back in the 'play' category.  I enjoyed being able to lure him to sleep while I had the chance.  Once Juan got out of the shower, he pulled out the trusty IPod, and put on Thomas, the Train.  It's was quite cozy, all three of us cuddled in bed watching this little screen in the dark...I loved it.  Aiden always gets so into it.  heehee!  Finally....sleep over came Aiden.  WHEW!  Thomas, the Train might become a nightly ritual!

On a sad note, when I was talking to my mom tonight on the phone, she told me that Aunt Rosie's health was quickly deteriorating....she's not eating, not connecting with reality, falling all the time, restless....kind of how my Dad was just before he passed away.  She is now being given Morphine to help keep her comfortable...it's just a matter of time. With Aunt Rosie, I think it would be a blessing for her to go back to her beloved soul mate, Henry, up in Heaven.  They were a match made in Heaven.  I don't think there was or ever will be, a sweeter, more happy and beautiful couple on this Earth.  Heaven will be lucky to have them back together again! 

Well, I guess I better wrap it up...Aiden has been flopping around in his crib....but then again, he always does!  I just keep waiting to see his head pop up over the rail.  Hopefully I can close my eyes after I give Aiden his 4am dose of Tylenol.  Sweet dreams!!

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