, yeah...all that begging and pleading for Aiden not to wake up at 5:30am I did in yesterdays blog did diddly squat!! I posted my finished blog at 5:25am...and Aiden's head popped up over his crib rail at 5:40am. AHHHHH! Someone please tell me....WHY??!?!?! The luv muffin went to bed at midnite, why does he still wake up at 5:40am? I may know the answer. He is hopelessly addicted to 'Thomas the Train'. That 's the only explanation I can come up with. He woke up and all he wanted was 'Thomas the Train'. Oh well, if that gives him happiness during this rough patch in his life...he can have 'Thomas the Train' 24/7. Anytime, anywhere. So, we watched his favorite show for an hour and a 1/2...and some how Juan slept through the whole thing. Aiden climbed on him, rubbed his head, spanked his butt....Juan didn't stir. I have to say... I'm jealous! The only way I could sleep through that is if I take an Ambien! I am glad he did sleep through it, though. He's still fighting that bronchial infection and he was already sleep deprived. He needs all the sleep he can get. Aiden enjoyed 'Thomas' very much. And I enjoyed Aiden enjoying 'Thomas' very VERY much, although I admit, I glanced at the clock hoping it would go faster. Finally, 7am was upon us and Sandy, Aiden's nurse arrived. Aiden was very happy to see her...he actually reached out for her. I went out into the living room only for a short while to chat...then I went straight to bed.

For some reason, I failed to set my alarm..and it was the best thing I have ever done. When I opened my eyes, I saw 4:10pm on the clock! Whoa! I slept 8 hours! It's been a very long time since THAT'S happened! But I needed it...and I felt 10,000 times better for getting it! I had some of that stuff I vaguely recall having in the I didn't realize how much I missed it till now! I went out to check how Aiden was doing...I guess his pin turning went the same as always. Aiden was less than thrilled and he couldn't go back to sleep, but today he seemed to settle down a lot easier and quicker, although he threw up when he was given his Tylenol...just a smidge. THAT did help his secretions one bit. But he slept...and slept....AND slept. I guess he woke up crying while I was in the shower, so Juan picked him out of his crib and held him while he slept. I used that time to call my mom...and get things in order. I believe it was 6:30pm when he finally woke up. I took him in my lap and got a big ol' smile. I gave him lots of kisses...even a couple of Eskimo kisses...teehee. That always cracks him up. He was happy and feeling good. His transformation is amazing! I see less skin under his chin, because as his chin grows, it uses that extra skin. I didn't count on that happening! Also, his lower lip in meeting up with his upper lip. And he still has a week or two left!

Once Aiden really woke up, Juan and I took Aiden upstairs so we could eat. I haven't been up there in about three days! I've been a total shut in. I saw Juan's mom for the first time since she got her boot cast put on...I guess she is feeling better. Even Pikachu was thrilled to see me. I AM bummed that I woke up too late to wish Patty a happy birthday. She left before I ever woke up. So, we ate while Aiden roamed around. He wouldn't ever go too far from us. All we ever have to do is give him a spoon or a straw, and he'll play us a tune on our lap or on the table. It's makes for lovely dinner music. We visited with Veronica and Karla...that Karla is so adorable! She smiles at everything. But let me tell you, when she wants something or she's out! She makes sure you know it! After we ate and visited for a bit, it was time for Aiden's dinner. He seemed a little crabby. I'm not sure why. But once he got done and he was out of the high chair...he got real serious and tensed up. When I see that, I always ask, "Aiden...did you POOP?" And Lord, did he ever!!! No wonder he was crabby...he hadn't pooped in two days. He took care of that. Too much info? teehee. Aiden played a little more and then it was bath time! I took some great pictures tonite! In the bath tub, after the bath, in the bed. I'm going to have a hard time narrowing down which ones to put on my blog! Of course Aiden wanted 'Thomas the Train'. I would be seriously concerned if he didn't. Soon he was sound asleep.

He has finished eating and it's time for his Tylenol. I am, once again, going plead with Mr. Sand Man..."oh, dear Mr. Sand Man...have mercy on me. Let Aiden sleep passed 6 or 6:15am. I'll do your dishes...I'll do your laundry...I'll paint your house! Please please please please!!! PLEASE!" That's all for tonite....a pretty good day, I must say. I hope tomorrow will be even better. It'll be day 11. Time is just FLYING by! Good NIGHT! Wish me luck!
September 19, 2010 |
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