Shhhhh....Aiden is sleeping! My goodness, he's had a rough night! I think it started when both Juan and I woke up after getting some sleep on the day of Aiden's pin removal...we both had raw throats. The next day, we felt like least I know I did. Achy...sore throat...just icky. I kinda knew Aiden was doomed to get this cold. Last night after he went to bed, he starting having a TON of secretions. He may have been able to sleep two hours. He spent most of his night on our was just easier to hear him when he needed to be suctioned. He even ended up throwing up...but I know THAT was from all the can have that effect. I was hoping that would be the worst of it. When Sandy, Aiden's nurse got here, we brought him out and told her about his dreadful night, and we gave Aiden a saline Nebulizer...that seemed to help cough everything up. He was happy and playful so I felt okay to go to sleep. Juan went to bed, too.

When we got to the Loyola ER, it didn't take long before we were called in. They checked Aiden over...ya know how much he LOVES that...they listened to his lungs, even checked his pin sights to make sure nothing was infected...then they took an x-ray. That's when they noticed the pneumonia in his right lung. When the doctor came into to talk to us, he told us what he found and told us he needed an antibiotic, then asked us how we felt about taking him home. He said that he thought we knew what we were doing and felt comfortable not admitting him at this point. There was no difficulty breathing and his sats were fine. WE were so relieved, and I'm sure so was Aiden!!! So blood tests, no IVs, no temps where the sun don't shine. Aiden even fell asleep in my as soon as we got the discharge papers and his antibiotics, we were outta there! We went through the Walgreens drive thru and dropped off his prescription and headed home. We could tell he was feeling yucky. His fever spiked a bit again so we gave him pedialite and some Tylenol. We fed him on my lap...he soon fell asleep. Then we picked up the drugs and gave it to him right away. An hour later, he did throw up again, but I don't think it was the illness. At 11pm, we gave him Motrin, and as always, he felt much better...we also did another saline neb. He actually played a little bit. That was a beautiful sight.
Right now he's sleeping in his crib...he's wearing his pulse ox/ heart monitor on his toe and he's been doing pretty well. A suction here and there. He's slept a couple of hours already. I do keep checking on him. Hopefully both Juan and Aiden can sleep well for the rest of the night and hopefully that antibiotic will kick some pneumonia booty!!! Well, I better go, I just know Aiden is going to wake up sooner or later. Later, I HOPE!!! GOOD NIGHT!
Oh yeah, I uploaded some videos...enjoy!
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