Pixie...right by my side.... |
I got up at 2:30pm with a mission to accomplish. Dave...one of Pixie's wonderful caretakers (I had to give her up when I had Aiden) wrote me the night before saying that Pixie wasn't doing so well and he said he'd be home all day if I wanted to come visit her. So I made sure I did. I got there around 5pm. I was mentally prepared for Pixie not to look like herself, but I still got upset when I saw her. She was laying on her bed facing the wall and when I sat down to talk to her, she knew exactly who I was. She perked up...wanting a belly rub. To be honest...she's a lumpy mess!! Tumors everywhere. She's on prednisone right now so they may calm down. They are histamine tumors so they respond well to the steroid. I couldn't help but cry. I hated seeing her in that condition and I felt so guilty not being there for her. But I know she's in great hands getting better care than I could ever give her. I gave her kisses and told her I loved her. We moved into the living room and Dave put her next to me on the couch so I could give her lots of belly rubs. Dave and I caught up a little. We haven't seen each other in over a year! Sad, but true. Dave and Jackie have Max, the pug and two Bull Dogs. They are AWESOME!! One (Mimi) just hopped on the couch and wanted to play.....the other, Olive (at first she barked madly), she just wanted some love, too. I got to see Jackie for a moment....she was headed out to dinner with her friend, Debbie. My visit was so unplanned and she already had dinner plans. It was nice just to see her. They were really there for me while I was on bed rest, pregnant with Aiden...I basically lived there for 2 months. It's just a bummer that it's so hard to get together. I hung out there for a couple of hours, loved on Pixie, played with Mimi, gave some love to Olive, and got mauled by Max (heehee....he's so funny) and then headed home.
I'm Mimi's Chew Toy! |
Mimi...so lovable! |
Shy Olive....She refused to pose. |
Mimi |
"Could you please read to me, mama?" |
When I got home, I was instantly cheered up when I saw Aiden. He was so excited to see me and wanted me to read with him right away. He seemed different tonight....older....brighter....even MORE aware, if that's possible. Somehow he learned what 'teeth' are....he shows off his pearly whites every time we ask to see his teeth. He dances for everthing! Very bubbly...very happy. I think he feels 100%...FINALLY! He did a lot of playing on his own...and I love that. I always worried that since he had nurses and someone there at all times that he wouldn't learn to play on his own. He does...smiling and playing. He loves to sneak up on Papa and maul him...turn around to see me laughing...and go right back to mauling papa. It's quite hilarious! I swear, he wanted to read EVERY book in the house...pointing to every picture wanting mom to make the appropriate sounds. He's so inquisitive. His face even looks different....perhaps more swelling has gone down. His pin sights are almost completely healed. He looks incredible! We had a heck of a time getting him to go to sleep...but as soon as papa held him in his arms, he was OUT. Maybe we should have tried that sooner!
Wow...it's 4:30am already! Aiden's nurse will be here in NO time. Then I can sleeeeeeeeeeep. I'm so tired! I'm just so glad Aiden is almost 100%...just in time for Halloween. Good night!
Oh....I uploaded some videos of Aiden doing his papa-mauling routine...enjoy!
Oh....I uploaded some videos of Aiden doing his papa-mauling routine...enjoy!
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