Hello! I'm back....I thought I'd attempt a quick entry just to let you know how Aiden has been doing. He's been doing pretty darned well. He hasn't had any fevers for a few days. His cough hasn't seemed to go away, so today Sandy (Aiden's nurse) and Juan took Aiden to his pediatrician with antibiotic bottle in hand to make sure there isn't anything else we should be doing. I stayed home because I was up till 9am and I'M still fighting this cough thingy. When Dr. Barbato saw Aiden's prescription, she freaked out! I guess it was WAY to weak....not nearly strong enough to combat Aiden's pneumonia. Sure, it got him better...but not 100%. She was horrified. So she put him on a stronger dose for 10 more days...and also prescribed him probiotics because this antibiotic is wreaking havoc on Aiden's tummy. He also has an ear infection...which I am NOT surprised. Woohoo! Ear drops!! He doesn't freak out for that anymore. Juan told me that Aiden was sticking his tongue out at Dr. Barbato (cuz she begged him to do it)...and a lot!! (passed his lips!!!) That's my boy!!! So hopefully this round of antibiotics kick this thing.

Aiden is still sleeping in our bed because it was so hard to hear when he needed suctioning. I'm starting to really like it...and I'm sure Aiden is, too. That's one reason I haven't been writing in his blog. Here are some exciting things that's been happening....
One bad thing...we had to give up Murphy, our puppy. It just wasn't going to work....especially when Juan goes to school from 9 to 5. Juan was very sad... I felt horrible for him. But it was the right thing to do...for Murphy, especially. He'll make someone a really wonderful pet!
Second, Aiden has really REALLY been opening his mouth WIDE! More than I thought he would. It's incredible!
Thirdly...Aiden got his Halloween Costume. He's the cutest Elmo in the world!! He already tried it on and showed it off for the household. He didn't seem to mind it a bit!
Fourthly... (is that a word???) we are in the process of coordinating a visit to WA State over Christmas for three weeks...thanks to MOM!!!!! She surprised us the day Aiden came home from his pin removal. I'm so excited. Now we have to see which nurse can join us and get us set up with some equipment out there. I cannot WAIT!!!!

Other than this pneumonia and our colds, life is good. I still feel like a hermit, but we don't have the whole 'nurse coming at 10am' thing to deal with anymore. Also, now Juan can sleep...since Murphy has left. Aiden finally started using the blue chair my mom bought for Aiden some time back...he sits up...then down...then up....then down...like he's practicing. Soooo cute! His new thing is putting his arms up as to say "I don't know...." He's starting to try to talk...not so much the words...but intonations, if that makes any sense. Well, I better go, Aiden's starting to flop around. I got more done than I thought I would! Pardon any errors, I didn't have much chance to proof read... ADIOS!
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